11- The Ultimate Inventor

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Things were going great.

It was a beautiful day outside.

Birds were singing.

flowers were blooming.

on days like this...

kids like you...

shouldn't be spending your time being dragged around via your ankles by a group of out of control (and probably sentient) various robot children. 

-A few hours earlier-

It was a relaxing Saturday after the usual long week of school, and you decided to treat yourself by not doing any cruel or unusual exercises for the day.

That said, you begrudgingly followed Saitama's ideals of not giving yourself a day off in order to achieve higher levels of strength. This is what led to a visit to a nearby park.

Maybe it was cheating, but it already felt like getting out of bed and heading outside was productive, so all you were doing was walking around and smelling the lightly scented flowers.

Everything was going just swimmingly. 

At least, that's what you were convinced of until you began to notice small shouts from the other side of the park. 

Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion as you advanced toward the origin of the noise. A small mechanical whirring sound became evident, indicating the origin was near. 

"Baby! Baby come back!"

Hold on..

Is that..?

"I just wants to re-engineer your firing systems!"


A salmon pink-haired girl was made visible running around agitatedly, chasing after a small gray robot rolling across the ground.



You dropped your bag on the ground next to an empty bench so you could run ahead. 

You aimed your wrists at the swiftly moving bot and shot a web. Due to the speed it was moving at, you missed the first time, the webs sticking to a nicely trimmed bush.

The white robot sped around in circles to avoid it's creator's flailing grabs and lunges while you shot another sticky net. 


Changing directions, it suddenly turned your way, giving you an opening. Making your move, moments later the quick bot ran its wheels against the ground in a meaningless attempt to escape.


Mei kneeled down, ripping her creation away from the dirt and hugging it to her chest happily. You stood by for a minute understanding she would want some time alone with it.

It started to take a while though.

She gushed over her baby continuously, ignoring you.

"You're just so amazing aren't you, you managed to escape the studio!"


"Let's go back now!"


Mei walked in the other direction with the robot in her arms.


You were a little irritated by that point, but when the girl casually turned around as if you hadn't been there the whole time, you just couldn't stay mad. Her face was just too amazing to see after all this time.

KINESTHESIA [BNHA x reader]Where stories live. Discover now