5 - Quirks

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The first term and summer vacation had passed, and you had spent all the time you could becoming closer friends with Izuku. After multiple occasions of asking questions to learn more about him, you found out that he was in fact four now, since his birthday is on July 15.

Most of your classmates had in fact developed quirks by this point, and you understood more than ever why being quirkless would devastate a person in this world. 

The children were harsh, and the ones that hadn't found their quirk yet were ostracized, and even though you already saw this on the show, it was real now. All of the details could be seen anywhere you look. 

Even you were generally treated different by the other kids, since your quirk hadn't shown yet. Most of the other children weren't willing to be friends with you, but that was fine with you, since you only felt the need to have one good friend, and that person happened to be Izuku.

You didn't know when it would appear, but you were sure it would show, since you asked for it with one of your wishes, and as far as you knew those were real enough. 

After the years you've spent here you started to recognize the similar appearance of the body you had in your last life, which was one of the wishes you used. Being in Izuku's class was also one of your wishes, and that was true as well. 

Also, you had the absolute pleasure of meeting Bakugo for the first time. 

Unfortunately for you, since you hadn't gotten your quirk yet, that meant you were one of his targets.

Fun fact, he got his quirk during summer vacation, and he used it to the best of his ability to make both of you miserable.

The things he did didn't bother you that much so far, because they weren't that bad yet, but you knew they would be worse in the future, and for that reason, it was hard to get along with him.

One day however, it happened. 

"Hey (Y/N)! Today after school I'm going with my mom to see a doctor! We should find out what's happening with my quirk then!"

You paused in putting away your things in your backpack, your face falling slightly. 

You forced a smile on your face as you answered, "That's great! Can I come over tonight for a bit so you can tell me about whatever the results are?" "Sure!"

Later that day when you went to his house, you saw Inko, and she spoke to you.  You gently opened the door to Izuku's room. He was out of his computer chair, and sitting on the ground next to his bed. 

"Izuku?" you quietly called out. He silently went to look at you with empty eyes. You took a few steps into his room. "Your mom told me what happened." You mentioned. 

"That's right." He whispered. "We were both gonna be heroes like All Might right?" Your gaze saddened and you walked over to take a seat next to him. His eyes began to fill with tears. "I can still do it can't I?" Your heart hurt for him. In the future he would feel better, you knew he would, but in this moment his pain was real, and he was your friend.

Izuku looked at his hands which were shaking, tears dripping on them. "Can I make it?" In an instant you steeled your resolve. "Of course you can Izuku." He looked up at you in shock. "But I-", "I know you don't have a quirk, but all that does is make it harder for you to get there. We're just gonna have to train ourselves to death."

"I don't know what we'll have to do, we'll just find a way, because I ain't becoming a hero without you Izuku." Then, in that moment, you gave him hope. Hope that there was a chance. You believed in him, so he had to do whatever he could to make sure that you were right. 

After a minute or so, Izuku began sniffing and wiping away his tears. Giving you a look of determination, he closed his hands into fists and smiled, saying, "Let's do this!"

For the next hour that you spent there before your parents came to pick you up, the two of you spent the time thinking up ways you could better yourselves to become pro heroes.

The next day when you went to school however, was an entirely different problem. You didn't know how, but one way or another word spread that Izuku didn't have a quirk. The rest of the students talked behind your back as if the pair of you couldn't hear. 'I heard Midoriya's quirkless!' 'You know what I think? They're BOTH quirkless, (L/N) just likes to say she's not!''Perfect! Now they can be a quirkless couple!' 'Haha, more like a couple of losers!"

You weren't affected by their insults other than being a bit annoyed, but Izuku sat at the table in the chair next to you shocked, unable to say a word as he continued to hear the others. 

One voice piped up louder than the others however, as they sauntered over to you. "Wow, if it isn't the quirkless Deku! What a surprise! You really did turn out to be a useless idiot just like everyone thought!"

You felt anger boil inside of you as you saw Bakugo approaching you with a smirk. "How are you feeling now Deku? Now that everybody knows I was right about you? Now that you know for a fact you would never be able to beat me?" Izuku trembled next to you, too frightened to respond.

"Can it Bakugo!" you fumed. Oh the things I would like to say to you if I didn't look like a four year old right now. "Why should I loser? As far as I'm concerned you're on the same page as him!" 

He's gonna have character development.

"After all, you're quirkless too! You're a good for nothing just like him!"

He's gonna have character development.

"and I know neither of you will ever become heroes!"



You stood up and slammed your hands down on the table. "SHUT UP!"

With your eyes closed, you heard nothing. But then, you felt a stinging pain. You opened your eyes and saw your classmates staring at you in a confusing way. The pain continued, until you finally looked down and saw the wooden surface of the table cracked and broken. 

You lifted your hands and turned them, eyes widening when you saw splinters and blood beginning to well. What was that? 

Huh. I think I need to check some details about myself.

(1150 words)

KINESTHESIA [BNHA x reader]Where stories live. Discover now