9- Aftermath and Ice Cream

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A/N- If you ever notice mistakes you think should be corrected, you can comment it and I'll edit it as soon as I can. Thank you.

"Detroit Smash!"

Upon hearing those words, you heard a feeble cry from the villain and felt the deep pressure around your body release. 

You fell to the ground, coughing and gasping for air while sludge slid off and formed a disgusting puddle around you. Izuku ran to your side and got down on his knees, touching your shoulder worriedly. "(Y/N)! Are you okay? D-do you need help?" He asked, concerned.

Bitch do I look okay to you?  With a slightly raspy voice, you answered him, shaking your head. "I just need time to calm down that's all." Izuku relaxed with a relieved look on his face, letting out a small sigh. A booming laugh was soon heard and you both turned to look at the source. With steam rising from his skin, and a large grin, All Might stood tall. 

"I really am pathetic, I speak of ideals for champions when young ones like yourselves practically do my job for me. As the number one hero it's my duty to protect others, even if it means my life. You two are quite brave, I have no doubt you'll go far." All Might faced you, showing a bright smile. Your heart swelled some with the praise from a man you'd been waiting to meet for over a decade, and you gave a weak smile back.

The smoke and steam swirling around finally dissipated, and cries of excitement were heard over the top hero. "All Might's so cool!" and "Wow he's awesome!" as well as, "No wonder he's the number one hero!" Were heard most frequently. He held his fist in the air and the cheers only increased. 

The police and pro heroes rushed over with trash bags a couple minutes later to collect the remaining sludge. Reporters swarmed as well, for All Might and occasionally for yourselves and Katsuki. You and Izuku were sat away from the wild boy, who at the moment was rather silent considering his usual personality. 

Death Arms and Kamui Woods angrily lectured you. "Do you have any idea how dangerous that was you morons?!" "It was completely uncalled for and risky! Had All Might not arrived we might not have gotten to you in time."

Sitting side by side, you both sweated nervously as you took the angry comments. You felt as if you wanted to say something regarding how you still managed to reach him faster even when they thought Izuku was going to die, but you figured it wasn't the time and held your tongue. 

After they had burned themselves out however, you got an unexpectedly nice surprise. Rubbing his forehead, Kamui sighed frustratedly before acknowledging you. "At least it wasn't a completely fruitless effort. You did manage to free the boy." Death Arms continued to glare as he also added to the comment. "Even if it was a stupid idea to begin with, you did at least have something good going on. I'll give you that much." 

Shocked, you and the high school boy looked at each other, and grinned happily with shining eyes. Without another word, the two big heroes walked off with a few others you hadn't heard of taking their place. They introduced themselves and complimented you on your efforts and quirk, noticeably leaving Izuku out of the equation. 

"That's some skill you've got there! What's your quirk?" A hero with a checkered costume that reminded you of the 80's chatted to you on your right. "That was certainly an impressive show you put on." A more solemn seeming man in a dark overcoat with a pale half-mask  talked from your left. A yellow girl with long pigtails and lines on her face that made her look like a robot beamed in front of you. "That was so cool! I don't know how old you are, but when you're a hero I'll be looking out for you on the pro rankings! The world better watch out when you get your license." 

Feeling proud and overwhelmed by the excessive admiration, you simply waited, too nervous to say anything to them other than 'Thanks', 'Thank you', and 'That means a lot.' 

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