should've seen it coming - part 2

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I slowly make my way back to my room, being extra careful not to drop my wine bottle, which somehow is missing more from it. I must have drank more without thinking. At this point it is possible.

I accidentally bump into the corner of the food station in the lounge. I can't feel it but I have a suspicion there will be a mark in the morning. I manage to stumble the rest of the way to my room without falling or hitting anything else. Pretty damn impressive really.

I am starting to see double. Before I realize what is happening I find myself sucking on the bottle again. Shit. Tomorrow is going to hurt.

"May I suggest you start to head to the sink in your sanitizer room Zea? Your motor skills seem to be malfunctioning due to the alcohol levels in your bloodstream. Also, I caution you not to drink much more. The alcohol in your bloodstream is reaching a dangerous level." Fair enough.

I slam the bottle down on my desk. It wobbles a little from the impact and my clumsy release. I watch making sure it settles and doesn't fall. Not that I could catch it anyway. It looks damned near empty. That sucks. I finally turn to the sanitizer room and stumble to the sink.

"Thell me fwen k?" I swear I hear Syndicate sigh.

Did A.I.'s sigh? The idea seems hilarious for some reason and I giggle. I look up to see myself in the mirror and burst out laughing. I look ridiculous. White foam covers my head in a big puffy cloud. Like I just dunked my head in Mom's whipped topping.

An image of my mom flashes before me. Before I can stop it the image of my mom using her handy kitchen tool to whip up a fluffy dessert turns into her horror-struck face, arms reaching for me. The last time I ever saw her.

My gut twists in knots and I am sure I am going to be sick. So lost in my drunken memories I don't hear Syndicate. The tap suddenly turns on in front of me, water pouring into the sink, and the lights flash on and off in the room.

"Zea, please pay attention."

"Sorry. I was lost in thought."

"Lost in booze is more like it." It is muttered so quietly I barely hear it. "You better rinse your head now. I tried telling you several times over the past two point five minutes; you refused to acknowledge me."

Seriously? My ship's A.I. not only sounds disgusted with my drinking, but it is also pissed at me. I didn't know A.I.'s had emotions. Interesting.

I grab the already running faucet, activating the arm extension and pulling it out so I can duck my head in the sink to rinse off my foam. It doesn't smell bad. A mixture of chemical, floral and a bit of citrus.

Bending over is a risk. I feel myself teeter dangerously and I have to use the hand that had been rubbing the foam off my head to brace myself. Oddly enough, there is no hair to rub off. None. I am bald.

I stand cautiously knowing the room will spin and grab a drying cloth. I haphazardly rub it all over my head, as good as my drunk self can manage.

Looking in the mirror I almost laugh again. But the reason why my head is now so bald that it reflects the light, keeps me sombre. It sure is shiny though.

By the time I stumble to my bed I am done. I feel my eyelids drooping. I will welcome sleep now. I have decided Octnarr Water Wine is a fantastic drink. I will have to get more of it. I can't remember why I didn't like it.

As I lay down something is bugging me. A little nagging voice I can barely hear in the back of my mind. Something I should have talked to Ufrik about. What the stars had I forgotten? Too late now. Darkness is coming for me. And I am ready to surrender.

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