back to earth - part 2

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Something about Britt's eyes betray him. He knows more. But as usual wants to follow the rules.

"Tell me, Britt." All of our verbal conversations are recorded automatically by Syndicate for the mission records, so maybe he'll tell me more if I speak to him telepathically.

"I cannot Zea. I gave my word. I was commanded to make sure you were able to stay focused and on task for this mission. My main job is to protect you and aid you in this mission. This mission is extremely important."

"To who? Armada or the Orikai?"

"Both. I have orders from both. Your safety and the success of this mission are the highest priority right now."

Well tie me down, roast my ass and call me dinner. The man is ever the soldier. I want to pull my hair out.

Even when he shows me how much he cares about me, loves me even, when given orders, orders are followed no matter what.

He gave me the truth the best he could but made sure to stay within the boundaries of the orders given to him. By both Armada and the Orikai. Bloody stubborn male.

Not sure how much I like this part of Britt's character. Couldn't he break the rules a little?

Stifling a groan and barely stopping myself from rolling my eyes, I stand up from the table with my food. Even though I haven't touched it yet and had literally just sat down, I don't feel like staying.

"I am going to eat in my room. I want to go over the map recovered by Syndicate showing everywhere Ufrik and I already searched. We only had the underground left but maybe we missed something."

With that, I take my food back to my room more than a little frustrated at Britt. He doesn't bother to apologize or try to justify his decision to be the obedient soldier. It's just the way it is. It is who he is.

Britt is rather black and white that way. His face had been stone still as he had watched me leave. One way or another I will find out what had happened. The thought of something bad happening to Nadia eats at my insides. Not sure I could forgive myself if she had been hurt or killed.

I spend hours searching the Galactic news sites and military reports. I find nothing about an incident in regards to the rescued Humans. Everything reported is rosy and upbeat.

Armada is once again the hero saving a lost species and preserving their history before they faded into nothing. Yeah for Armada.

I snort derisively—what a joke. They are more like conquerors than heroes if you ask me, but that doesn't change the news or the military reports.

Stars this sucks.

How can I get my hands on classified documents? I need to talk to Sica. Maybe she'll feel generous.

"Syndicate, what time is it?"

"Zero two hundred Universal time, Marshal."

"Too late to contact Sica then?" I hadn't meant to speak out loud. I was more mumbling to myself than anything, yet, Syndicate answers me.

"I am seeing her communicator as active Marshal. She is currently online. Therefore I would assume it is still OK to contact her." Wow. I am pretty sure I love this new technology. Everything is instant.

"Alright then. Please send a communication request to her."

A few seconds later my wall lites up with the face of Sica. It scares the shit out of me and I shamefully jump in my chair.

I am still not used to it, even after all this time. It's not normal for walls to just light up with images like that. All of my previous ships had been equipped with specific communication screens.

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