finding - part 2

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I look over at Britt, then back to the door. I cock my head looking at the DNA and retinal scanner. What if Syndicate has found this security software too? Is it connected to the building's computers? If so, she may have already hacked it and put in my information, providing me with clearance.

I have no doubt she'd have figured this out if she had found this. But not being able to reach her, there is only one way to find out. Hopefully, we don't get gassed or blown up if I am denied access.

I slowly walk up to the scanner, clipping my weapon to my belt. I place my face in front of the retinal scanner. It beeps to life, and a very mechanical voice announces it is about to scan for clearance and to hold still and not blink.

To my utter relief and amazement, I hear the overly mechanical voice say, "Welcome Zea Krognar of the planet Zukrog. Please breath into the DNA analyzer to confirm your request to enter."

Britt and I exchange a look.

Well, Syndicate may have gotten my name wrong, but she knows where I was raised, apparently.

But was it Syndicate who added this info? If it wasn't, that is incredibly creepy. It would mean that the entire time, it had been planned out that I would be the one to come here. How the hell could anyone have known I would eventually be here? More unnerving, how would they have programmed my DNA into the security? Time to test it.

A small cylindrical tube silently slides out of the wall below the scanner, right where I knew it would. We have similar security protocols on Zukrog for safes or high-end locking mechanisms. Not many can afford this kind of tech, though. Most just have hand scanners or voice-activated locks.

I breathe heavily into the tube, the small grey sensor ball in the middle my target. I hear the door shift slightly as a giant mechanical clank rings through it. The lock has just been released. The red light above the door switches to green, and I hear gears start to groan. This is a massive metal door.

I suddenly feel butterflies start to dance in my belly. Goosebumps break out all over my skin, and I can't breathe. Something isn't right. My gut instinct screams at me with all the power of a solar flare. Or am I just scared? Not a normal feeling for me.

The doors slowly start to slide open. I hold my breath waiting to see what is on the other side. My gut tells me whatever it is. It is going to change my life forever. Fuck! Am I ready for this?

I see my hand slam down on the emergency button next to the retinal scanner. It stops the door immediately in its tracks. Barely inches open.

I instantly feel a different kind of panic. What the hell am I doing? This is my mission. But I am not sure I am ready for this. I can feel it. Whatever this is, it isn't normal. I am meant to be here. Whoever froze this human had planned for me to be here. How could they have known? I think I am bout to freak out.

"What's wrong?"

"Don't you find this weird?" I take off my damp hat and rub my smooth head with a shaky, sweaty hand. "I mean, do you not find it odd I have clearance to a place I didn't even know existed?"

"You don't think it was Syndicate?"

"She would have gotten my name right." A funny look crosses Britt's face.

Looking at his face, I understand.

"Really? You know my birth mother's surname? My surname! And you didn't tell me?"

"You made it clear you were not interested in your ancestral history Zea."

He is right, of course. Damn.

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