her - part 1

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My eyelids are heavy. I want to open them desperately, but they refuse. They are grating against my eyes like sand caught between two ass cheeks. They feel heavier than my entire body, making it impossible to open them.

Something is tickling my arm. I should swat it, but common sense tells me to look first. I have made that mistake before. Never again. Some insects, upon their death, release venom, gas or other deadly poison. I made a mistake with a Syrea Ant while on Krewgsgir. That was a crazy place.

Shaking my head in frustration, I use all my energy to force my eyes open.

Damn! That's bright as stars. Where am I?

Something soft but firm moves gently under me. I suddenly realize I am laying on someone. Shit. Britt.

"Britt! Are you ok?"


"Looks like you'll live."

It had been his shirt tickling my arm. I could have swatted it after all. I snort out loud at the thought of hitting Britt like a pesky bug.

When he groans again, bringing his hands to his temples, I stop my musings. Suddenly he sits up, and I fall to the ground with a thud, dust settling on my tongue as a gasp in shock.

Twisted in an ungraceful heap on the floor, I push up off the ground and bring my feet under me. I stand, wiping the dirt and sweat off my face. As I stand, I see Her again.

Fuck. It is real. All real!

I stare, barely breathing. Her peaceful angelic face is frozen in time, yet she somehow speaks to me telepathically.

Her lightly tanned skin, long dark hair and oddly short physique for what was to be the Universe's only chance at surviving the Zu'Lar is oddly stunning, and I can't take my eyes away.

She is comically tiny for the astronomical task that lay ahead of her. It is genuinely mind-boggling. I hear Britt groan again, and he shuffles beside me.

Looking down, I see the male is doing his best to get to his feet. His head must still be reeling from the trip we went on. I feel awful.

He is not built for the kind of energy that flows through me. I see that now. He looks pale. Skin more ashen compared to his usual brilliant alabaster.

He hasn't opened his eyes yet, but I am betting they are bloodshot to hell. Fuck! It had been a mistake. I shouldn't have opened to him.

"Heal him, Zea. Then we must leave."

My head whipped back to Her. Can I do that?

"Yes, Zea. Follow your K'ai. It will lead you."

I blink at her still form. My slightly numb brain is trying to wrap itself around speaking to a person in what looks like a coma.

Is she aware of her surroundings? Has she been trapped like this for long? Is she lonely? So many questions.

"Arrggh!" Britt falls back to his knees as he tries to stand.

Ok, let's try this.

I kneel in front of him and close my eyes. I feel my fear of my K'ai returning. Do I dare let my K'ai lead me through this? Does she realize what she is asking? Of course not. Stars!

"Ummm. I think this is a bad idea. I... I can't control my K'ai. It's too strong."

"Oh, Zea. You don't need to control it. You need to bond with it. Connect completely. Have faith. I will explain later."

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