Chapter 71

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It was difficult getting used to a quiet life, but Jin qing knew getting back into her comfort zone would do her-- and those around her-- more good than harm. There was a stark contrast between what she had been through for the past few months and the still tranquility of how she was living now, but it was a life she could get used to again.

Wake up early, get whatever wounds dressed and patched up, help make breakfast with the elderly lady and Yu Qi (who had insisted on waking up early along with her), drag the children out of bed, eat breakfast, do the chores that were needed for the day until lunch time... It was a routine that Jin qing's weary body got used to as the weeks drew by.

The summer was long over, but the fall harvest had started to ripen and the winter vegetables were creeping into their fullness. Baskets full of persimmons were brought into the house with the help of the children and Long Yin's climbing skills as the elderly woman and Jin qing's maids helped string together jujube berries to hang and dry in the last few moments of warm sun.

The busy atmosphere-- even if it was with so much more people-- felt familiar to Jin qing. It reminded her of the days when she was young and freshly out of the Liang empire, enjoying the warmth of the sun without fear for the first few times in her life.

She never had more energy in her life. She never had smiled and laughed like a child more in her life. It was a place for her to relax and be someone other than the 'Xue Xian' or 'Liang Wu Xin'. Here, she was whoever she wanted to be-- not whoever other people wanted her to be. No one looked to her for plans or advice, no one came to her with piles of work and notes. All they came at her was good food, a smile, a joke here or there, and a silent assurance that she could stay there for as long as she wanted-- and that offer extended even to Yu Qi and the children, who looked as relaxed as she was.

It wasn't a gentlewoman's life of idleness and vanity. It was a life built on hard work and aches when you slept at night-- but you were surrounded not by suffocating walls and mazes of corridors, but twinkling stars and a cackling fire.

Jin qing was free... or so she thought. She was expecting her old life to catch up with her at one point, but she had hoped it would take it's time to get to her again... but she wasn't so lucky.

It was early in the afternoon with the entire household running like a small army-- and Jin qing knew what an efficient army could do. Foods were being harvested, caught, fished, dried, preserved, anything you could think of that could be done to food was being done in preparations for winter and next year's harvest. There was little idle time and the elderly woman had a knack for knowing exactly who and how they were slacking off-- then deploying Yu qi to catch the offender and swiftly put them back at their post.

Jin qing was assigned to the large campfire that was set under a large drying rack, tending the flames and watching the smoke coat the fish and few wild ducks Hong Hui and Hai Lin managed to catch and shoot when she noticed someone riding toward their little cottage on a horse. It didn't take her very long to recognize who was on it-- and flew over welcome dearest Xue Hua to their company.

The arrival of someone new caught those who were in the front of the house's attention, and those who were familiar with her didn't look all too surprised that she was here.

"Xue hua!" Jin qing exclaimed, helping her down from her horse. "You didn't come here alone did you? A lady like you should have never have been able to leave the manor--"

Xue hua's eyes seemed to brighten a little when she saw Jin qing's smile, and she held onto her hands tightly. "I had to sneak out-- Father covered for me and Kai Feng had to rotate the guards up front to the ones loyal to you for me to even think of getting out of that lockdown. Thank goodness I remember the way here."

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