Chapter 63

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Panic settled in after Jin qing realized that Tian Xiang wasn't kidding. 

Why should she have thought otherwise? She didn't know, but the thought of Yu Qi and the two orphans being sentenced to death and executed when her plan specifically wanted those three to accompany her back to the Wei almost caused her to fall into despair. 

Jin qing stood there for a good while, staring at the closed doors as everything just processed through. 

What is she going to do now? She hadn't expected Tian Xiang to suddenly turn on her. It would have been foolish of her to not think of the possibility, but she had hoped that her contribution to her side of the deal would make him consider not doing that. 

Numbly, Jin qing walked back into her room, sat down, and immediately started planning. 

So the definition of 'in the enemy territory' is more real than ever. Guess I'm entirely on my own unless I somehow manage to gain some kind of outside support... but unfortunately, I have not talked to anyone in this palace other than the emperor and Qiang An. If only Qiang An isn't so fiercely loyal to Tian Xiang and his home country... it's worth giving him a try, but it'll be nothing short of a miracle if he does decide to comply and help me. 
It'll be slapping the name of 'traitor' onto his face... and I'd hate to even lie to someone so loyal like him and trick him to help me. 

Jin qing folded her hands and leaned against the table, closing her eyes and trying to calm herself. 

This wasn't the time to ponder over morals and what she shouldn't do to other people for personal gain... this was the time to do whatever it takes for her own self-interests. 

Tian Xiang can have them executed any time he wants. He knows I'll probably escape somehow anyway, so he'll want to execute them before I leave. How much does he underestimate- or overestimate me? 

If he underestimates me, he'll set the date later. If he overestimates me, he can have them executed tomorrow morning for all I know and proceed to rub it in my face. 

Somewhere in this week would be a good time... but how in the world am I supposed to prepare that quickly when I'm trapped in this room? Even if Qiang An miraculously decides to help me, how am I supposed to communicate with him? He's not usually stationed around here... I would usually be able to manage if it was just Gui Fei, but now even the emperor is against me. 

Jin qing couldn't help but slam her fist on the table, the sound louder than it really was in the silent room. She hated feeling helpless, she hated when her plans didn't go her way, but she hated someone betraying her even more. 

Standing to her feet, Jin qing broke off a thin piece of wood from the screen door, splintering it at one of the ends. She plans to gain an actual weapon for herself later, but it seems like she'll have to use something before then. 
Her room is surrounded by walls, but Jin qing wondered if she can somehow climb and sneak out while being dressed as a serving maid. She still had her outfit from the first day she was released when she visited Yu Qi, and she was beyond grateful that she still had it. All she needed to do was to wash and dry it before it was useable again. 

But what after?

In simplest terms, I'll just find where they are and get them out. But how am I supposed to do that without getting caught? 

Jin qing has no way of knowing where they are kept, and even she can't fight her way through so many people even if she had an actual weapon. 

The entire palace will no doubt be looking for me, and I won't have that long before someone realized I was gone and raised an alarm. 

If only Jin qing can become invisible and sneak around the palace- but she is but a mortal after all.

Something suddenly tore through the thin paper screen of the door she just broke and landed next to the candle stand- almost knocking it over and spilling the lit candles all over the floor. 

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