Chapter 10

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Jin qing noticed the strange moods hovering in the palace.

The emperor is in good health, but why does everyone look so nervous?

No one but Jin qing noticed this. The private servants seemed extremely nervous and very jittery.

Jin qing was getting unnerved. She was getting more and more worried about the emperor. There's something that he isn't telling her and she's getting more anxious trying to figure out what's going on.

She stayed in her room, staying quiet, refusing to see anyone- not even her maids.

Jin qing needed some time by herself. Ever since returning from the hunting trip, she found it harder to sleep at night. She would often wake but not remembering where she is. She'll panic for a little bit then calm down.

Xue Hua worried for her second sister, and so did Yi ping.

They sat at a bench by the flowers drinking tea and looking at the quiet scenery.

"How's training in the military with Kai feng?" Xue hua asked.

"Normal, nothing special. But because of the upcoming conflict, I do believe we are going to war soon."

"If we go to war..." Xue hua said softly. "Yi ping, can you promise me that you will stay home?"

"Little sister..." He said. "Will I be allowed to?"

Xue hua didn't reply.

"Besides." He said. "If i'm gone, you still have Jin qing to keep you company." Yi ping's eyes grew distant. "But know I hope that day never comes where you are alone."

"She's been so distant. Yi ping, you're not a lady so you don't hear all the things they say about her." Xue hua said. "You don't understand what the first wife does to her sometimes. She says she's used to it- but she's only been here for 8 years, how?"

Yi ping cupped his sister's face in his hands. "She's stronger than you think. She's just in one of her, erm, days."

"You and Jin qing are the only ones who are kind to me. Xi yan likes the elder sister because she gets treated as a higher lady there, so she doesn't like to be near me. Huan le treats me like the food dogs eat, and Kai feng- he doesn't even talk to me."

Yi ping looked at the clouds, then looked back at his sister. Noticing the dampness in her eyes, he sighed. "Would you want me to play the flute?"

Xue hua nodded and wiped the tears off of her eyes.

Yi ping stood up, and turning his back on her, he took out his flute.


Jin qing fingered the jade disk she always kept on her. She knew she didn't need it, but she liked to hold it for comfort.

She closed her eyes and tried to steady her breathing.
She isn't as composed as others think she is.

It was day five alone in her room.
Those five days, she read, sewed, and thought to herself.

She had a feeling the emperor is dying. He never told her about all the poison in his body, but she knew it.
Not everyone is as good as her in hiding pain.

She just wondered how long he'll last.

On the sixth day, Xi jian and his younger brother Shang ye decided to visit and congratulate Kai feng on becoming an official commander.

The household flurried around, getting everyone and everything ready for their visit.

Jin qing was completely unaware of this, and only realized when they arrived.

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