Chapter 4

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Jin qing woke up to Bai yan shaking her up.

"Miss, miss, it's time to wake up"

Sitting up groggily, Jin qing rubbed her eyes and tried to adjust her eyes to the light.

"Who- wha? What time is it?"

"It's time for miss to wake up. In celebration of the successful Fire decree, the emperor has requested a hunting trip to celebrate"

Jin qing's eyes lit up at the sound of a hunting trip.

"A hunting trip you don't say? Hee-hee, finally I get to test my skills out in the open! With their fine bows too!" Jin qing smiled like a child on new years.

"Yes, now miss, time to rise"

All of Jin qing's worries and doubts haven't disappeared, it was simply forced back sightly so Jin qing can enjoy herself ever so slightly.

Jin qing loved hunting trips. Even in the company of people, she always felt like she was alone, surrounded by so many trees and animals.
Though she needs to repeatedly remind herself that she isn't alone, and there are several other people hunting with her, and the walls of the tents are extremely thin.
And besides, it's one of the only places where a lady like her can use a weapon and won't be looked down on.

"I hear that the entire imperial household will be entering."

"Oh? The princesses too? I thought they would be too dainty to hold and aim a bow."

"Don't say that! But yes" Ye bing answered, braiding her mistress' hair when Jin qing got dressed. "Bai yan and I have packed for you the night before. Did you sleep well?"

"Yes, I did" Jin qing replied, lying so well that even her maids believed her. "We are leaving today right?"

"Yes!" Bai yan smiled, pinning a golden chrysanthemum pin in her hair that matched the pale color of her miss' robes and the even paler flowers on the shoulders, chest, and torso.

Standing up, jin qing twirled around and around, laughing. "Oh, hunting trips! Finally!"

Once she got settled down and eaten, Jin qing decided to go out for a walk until it was time to leave. On her mind was full of different possibilities the plan she gave last night can go wrong. She was so zoned out she nearly passed Min yin without greeting him.

When she did, she curtsied awkwardly, but with grace and elegance as she was taught. "Greetings to the prince Min yin"

"The second daughter of the advisor Li, you weren't seen in the banquet last night."

"I felt like a person like me did not deserve to be sitting in a banquet like that." Jin qing replied, her voice and her face unreadable. She looked like the ideal lady, soft and polite.

"You are the daughter of Advisor Li. You have every right to attended."

On the inside, Jin qing smiled. "Was your highness looking for Jin qing?" she asked shyly

Min yin's eyes widened, is she taunting me? "No, I was not. I was only curious."

"Jin qing gives a great effort not to be noticed, hardly anyone notices I don't attend banquets, how did your highness know I was gone?"

On the outside, she was the little lady that wanted to know things, but on the inside, she was laughing at Min yin's expression.

All Min yin wanted then was to get out of this strange lady's sight and out of earshot of her questions.

"We know that advisor Li has four daughters, and that night I only counted three. So I wondered where was the fourth. That aside, you are attending the hunting trip correct?" Min yin asked, silently triumphing now that he is the one asking the questions.

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