Chapter 47

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As Jin qing expected, she heard the clicking of beads and the swish of heavy cloth the very next morning.

If what Yu Qi said was right... Well, Jin qing wanted to be underneath Tian Xiang's protection as soon as possible without making it too suspicious.

This was going to be tricky. She knew Shen Feng's mother was a master at the things she was about to try and was worried that she might see right through her plan. 

Jin qing was about to try herself some manipulation.

She had never tried to purposely manipulate someone, but she has been a victim to a master for most of her childhood. If only she can just replicate what Gui Fei did to her but with a few tweaks and on a lesser scale...

After all, Gui Fei's intention for her was to scare Jin Qing into submission.

Jin qing didn't want that with Tian Xiang. She wanted to earn his respect and trust.

But how was she going to do that? She has never been too good at such things, manipulating other people's thoughts and emotions.
Jin qing knew she needed to try.

Unlike yesterday when she had to guess if it was Yu Qi the person that came down, she knew as a fact that Tian Xiang was the one visiting her this time.

Jin qing needed to take advantage of the fact that Shen Feng isn't here to distract her from any physical pain and get herself underneath even more protection. The only reason why she wasn't dead is because of the man that is walking down the stairs now, and so she needs to make sure she stays in his favor.

"Good morning Tian Xiang." Jin qing called out without looking up, even before he had even appeared in visible view by the door.

"How did you know it was me?"

"Who else except for Shen Feng would visit me?" She asked, tilting her head. "Oh, right. Huan le. But I heard the unusually heavy cloth, and assumed it was you."

"Li Huan Le, the woman's a genius." Tian Xiang stood in front of the cell and watched Jin qing as she braided the strands of hay. "She managed to fool an entire country and it's people, build connections-"

"Aren't you forgetting something?"


"And the fact that she betrayed her own country just because she saw a better opportunity in another." Jin qing finally looked up and set the braid down "What makes you think she won't do that here?"

"You're talking as if everyone is like Gui Fei for Shen Feng."

"No, not everyone." A small smirk played on her lips "It's just that their actions and motives seem relatively similar, don't you think?"

Tian Xiang frowned, and Jin qing can practically see the shift in his eyes as he processed what she just said. "What are you implying? And my question remains the same, why are you telling me this."

"And so does my answer." Jin qing answered simply "What did I say last time? Don't you remember? I hate her almost as much as I hate Shen Feng and his mother and I want her dead." Jin qing tilted her head "But here is my question, why are you here? I'm pretty sure you didn't just come here because you were bored and wanted a chat."

"Of course not." Tian Xiang answered, "I came here to offer you a deal."

Jin qing didn't expect that. Was her plan working so well that she's already getting out of this cell? Or is she just an idiot and is giving herself too much credit? She knew Tian Xiang won't be as easy to fool than Xi Jian. "Oh? What is it?"

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