Chapter 29

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"But why?"

"The empress said so. She was the one who saved you from destruction. You owe her your life."

"But I don't- I cant."

"Don't make us beat it into you again. You are nothing, now do what the empress wants you to do. If you value your life."

"I can't... sir please I beg you-"

"Do you wish to die, you daughter of a swine?"

"No... please sir I don't want to, not again- I promise I'll be good next time-"

"That's that you said last time. But look at where you are now... weak, pathetic. Now get up. Good girl."

"Please. Please sir, I don't want to-"

"Get in."

"Sir please!"

"You may be a child, but if the Empress wishes this then so be it."


"Miss, did you fall asleep? Would you like to rest?" Bai yan asked, waving a hand in front of Jin Qing's face.

Jin qing looked up from her book. She must have dozed off or something. It was in the middle of the afternoon

"The meeting from yesterday must have exhausted you more than you give yourself credit for." Ye bing nodded. "Would you like to get some rest?"

"No, Ill be fine. I won't be able to sleep anyway, especially with so many thoughts in my head. Thank you for asking though."

"What are you thinking about?" Bai yan asked.

"Something you two won't be able to understand."

"Is it what Huan Le said?"

Jin qing sighed. Bai yan did have a point there. The subject of Huan Le never left her mind. "Yes, that's all." She lied.

"Well, she'll never figure out where you went, and we're going to find out eventually who poisoned you." Ye bing said reassuringly.

"I hope."

Ye bing continued to mend some clothes that were torn and stayed quiet. Clearly their miss didn't want to talk, and so they didn't try to make her.

"Where did you go anyway?" Bai yan asked. "You didn't even tell us."

"Like I said, some skilled medic's household where they helped patch up my wounds."

"Are you sure?" Bai yan tilted her head.

Jin qing looked up from her book again, her eyebrows furrowed together. "Why would I lie?"

"Because you don't want us to know something."

"Bai yan, if I can't trust you two, who else in this life can I trust?"

Bai yan looked back down at her hands but didn't say anything. She knew that their miss lies to them regularly, usually so that they don't worry. Perhaps Jin qing already knew this, but by lying to them made them worry even more.
Both of them wished they can be closer to their miss. There are so many things about their miss that they don't know.

Jin qing looked back down at her book and tried to continue reading. Every once in awhile she'll look up at the door only to look back down, looking disappointed.

"Second sister~!"

Jin qing cracked a grin. Only one person in this world would say something like that. She closed her book and looked up. "Xi yan, I thought you were back at home?"

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