Chapter 1

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Li Jin qing stretched out her feet from underneath her lavender-colored robes and pulled her left arm back, aiming the tip of another arrow notched on her bow toward the center of the board. 

Everything except for her target disappeared into the background. Not even the fragrance of the flowering tree she was firing under and the gentle wind that blew the thin fabric of her dress could take her attention away from the center of her focus.  

The arrow flew from her fingers like how water can stream from a jar. 


Another bulls-eye.

Jin qing smiled to herself, satisfied with the result. 

Bai yan, one of her maids, applauded while the other, Ye bing, took the arrow off the target in preparation for another. "Miss, that was wonderful! You looked so beautiful doing it too-- almost like a fairy from the fairy-tales!"

Jin qing was about to notch another arrow when she heard footsteps behind her. It was some servants holding brooms who had probably come to do some cleaning and sweep away the fallen petals of the cherry blossom trees flowering overhead. 

As to not disturb the servant who were just trying to do their job, Jin qing quickly set down her bow on the bench and gestured for her maids to pack up and head back to their room. 

Despite being a lady of high rank, Jin qing sometimes acts like a servant-- out of sight and out of mind. 

The maids who were sweeping the floors sighed. They've picked this dull job because they wanted to see the second lady up close. No one ever really sees her, she's often holed up in her room. Even if she did go outside, her simple robes often faded her into the background.

"What a pity she doesn't go out more often." The servant sighed. "She's such a beauty."

"If the second miss showed off her beauty and skills more, I doubt she'll be any less popular than the first miss." The other exclaimed softly. "Speaking of the first miss, did you hear how beautiful the guqin sounded when she was practicing?"

"Yes! I envy her servants too much. They're incredibly lucky to be able to serve under such a talented miss that can surely give them handsome rewards all the ti--" The servant looked back just in time to see Jin qing glance over at them. "shh!" 

Jin qing was well aware of the whispering, and she didn't mind it at all. Even though she was the second eldest daughter of the family, she often felt more invisible than the servants who prided in not being seen by anyone. She was an illegitimate daughter after all, so there wasn't a need for her to be seen.

After all-- if she was seen, she had to be extremely careful not to ruin her illustrious family's reputation...

As soon as she stepped into her room, her somber steps became more lively. When the last of her robes fluttered from the doorway, she began to skip toward the elevated platform where a cushioned seat was waiting for her by a table.

"Oh, finally! Back to the comforts of my room." Jin qing laughed, stretching out her stiff limbs. "I didn't know the servants would be cleaning that area today. Did they change the schedule again?"

"I think so-- The new servants is only just getting used to the rotations. It'll take them a little while." Ye bing answered, setting down a plate of crackers dusted with sugar-- which Jin qing happily took and bit into. 

Bai yan smiled, putting away the archery things. Who knew her miss, a person is known to be incredibly quiet outside, can be such a cheerful person when in private? 
"I feel bad for the newer servants. They were talking about how lucky the people serving the first miss is-- but they clearly have no idea what the first family is like."

"They'll find out eventually," Jin qing answered softly, brushing away the crumbs around her mouth with a handkerchief. "The first family does not have the habit of hiding who they are around their servants."

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