Chapter 77

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It had been a while since Jin Qing had ever had to step into the war room, but she was glad that nothing had changed while she was gone. With generals' inputs and reassurances, Jin Qing was beginning to feel confident that her promise to win the war was going to be more than just talk. Of course, she didn't share everything with them. There were a few things she wanted to do that would surely provoke their opposition and they must not know about under any circumstance.

She has only been back for less than a week, but she could already feel the immense amount of pressure that was being put on top of her shoulders. It wasn't even this bad when she was just the Xue Xian. It wasn't like she hadn't expected this-- she was practically the ruling monarch. of this kingdom now, and she was determined not to let it fall because of her cowardice.

Jin Qing was the first one to leave the war room after the briefing and wasn't surprised to see Xi Jian lingering by the door. He flinched when she turned her head to meet his eyes, realizing that he had been caught eavesdropping. She narrowed her eyes. "What are you doing here?"

Xi Jian straightened immediately, his height far greater than Jin Qing's and yet she didn't feel afraid. "You're only here temporarily," he reminded her. "I have the right to at least know what you're putting my country through."

"For as long as I am here, this isn't your country," Jin Qing said cooly. "It is mine, and it should be your brother's if you know what's best for this country."

"Why, because you had feelings for him?" He asked as if his statement gave him any sort of leverage over Jin Qing. "You charged out into enemy land to save him, risking your own life when you could have stayed back and sent reinforcements. I know you dislike me, but you shouldn't lean that much into your emotions." Unfortunately for him, he was wrong.

Jin qing knew just where to hit. "So you would admit having feelings for Huan Le? Gossip claims that you had defended her with every last thing you had when she committed treason. You still tried to protect her reputation even if it was doomed from the start." She watched in delight as his face turned pink, and she was sure it wasn't because of the wind. "You turned out to be wrong and I turned out to be right, as usual."

"What does this have anything to do with my brother ascending the throne?"

She shrugged. "I don't know. You were the one who brought up emotions into official business. I had no choice but to retaliate." She looked away from Xi Jian and stared into the horizon in front of her, fully aware of the daggers that were being stared into her skull. "You couldn't manage your country as an emperor, so I will be the empress in your stead. You won't manage the country as an emperor in the future, so your brother should be the emperor instead. It's just that simple."

"But why?" He asked bitterly. The angry tone in his voice disappeared as quickly as the sun as the clouds began to blanket the world. "I once asked you to be my empress so I know the country would be in good hands even if I stepped down. Why my brother? You know what he's like. He's spineless and can't do anything without the backing and support of someone powerful. As an emperor, he is a powerful person. What can he do?"

It was a question Jin Qing had asked herself over and over again. Why did she prefer Shang Ye over Xi Jian when both of them had taken a liking to her? The answer was simple, and it had always been. "Because he understands the humility of bowing down and the importance of listening to those who are better than him." She answered simply. "He has the capability to show respect to those beneath him, to those who had bested him. You, on the other hand, do not."

Xi Jian had nothing else left to say. The world was silent except for the sounds of a servant's footsteps heading their way, and Jin Qing judged by their expression that the message they carried was for her. 

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