Retribution - 43Yrs BTA

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Thanks to AmHumanEnough For inspiring this story. It's a bit different from what you wanted, but hopefully it's still good. If you have an idea you think will be interesting for this book, head to the 'Your Ideas' section of the book, and write it down XD


A torrential downpour cascaded over the forest. Fat drops of rain intent on flooding the marshy land below. Much of it was already turning to rivers and streams, covering the ground in a thick layer of water. The thick forest of trees stood firm under the downpour, their upper branches entwined to hold each other up, while their roots sticking up from the mud below were quickly flooded by water. Flashing blue lightning could be seen above the canopy, each followed by a boom that seemed to vibrate the ground.

In the midst of the marsh wallowed a lone dragon. His dark red scales and black spines were like a beacon of colour amongst the dark drab greens and browns surrounding him. Large wings were folded tightly against his side, and every step he made through the undergrowth was accompanied by a frustrated grunt as he forced his talons through the mud. The water was rising slowly and was now about halfway up his legs.

"Damn this rain," the drake muttered to himself as he looked up at the canopy.

The tightly woven trees protected him from the worst of it. At least the violent winds weren't buffeting him from the sky. But he was still subject to the water droplets finding their way through the tree branches, and with the water steadily rising he was beginning to wonder if he wouldn't be better in the air. It was difficult for a dragon to drown, but not impossible. He could already feel the pull of the current against his talons.

He looked through the forest, feeling slight relief as he spotted a small hill rising from the ground. If he hadn't lost his way, that was his destination. Putting more effort into his sore muscles he continued to wade through the marshland, trying to ignore the sticky mud going between his talons and sticking to his legs. It took another half-hour of near swimming through the flood until he finally felt solid ground beneath his claws. With a huff, he hauled himself out of the river and up onto the hill.

There were more small streams descending downward, but not enough for him to worry. As he began his trip up the hill he felt the wind growing stronger as the protection of the undergrowth grew less dense. Still, he walked, just holding his wings closer, determination flooding him with every step. This had to be the place.

As he crested the hill, he looked down into the small valley below. Trees had been cut away to make room for the inhabitants. Unnaturally shaped caves had been dug into the hillsides, many with tightly woven hatches put over to stop the rain from getting inside. Milling around on the ground below were several dozen dragons of differing colours. The deep blue of water dragons, completely at home in the downpour, with hatchlings happily dunking themselves in deep puddles of mud, and the marshy green of acid dragons, with their brightly coloured torsos, not quite as impressed with the weather but still more than happy to join in with the frolicking of some of the water dragons.

Slowly the drake made his way down the hill. He had already been noticed by the more perceptive members of this small draconic village. An acid dragon had taken to the wing, being careful to keep low to the ground so as not to be torn away, and made his way over. The red drake stopped, sitting down on his haunches, as was only polite for a stranger seeking entrance to a homestead.

The acid drake landed. He was slightly smaller than the red dragon, with dappled green scales and splashes of red around the underside of his joints. He studied the intruder with suspicious eyes, tail flicking behind him with careful movements. He wasn't aggressive, but not friendly either, trying to decide if this new dragon was a threat or not.

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