Of Desperate Faith - 9 Months BTA

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Sharp claws absently cut grooves into grey sand making abstract patterns devoid of intent and thought. The glittering red dragon they belonged to stared absently into the distance, ignorant of the cold wind and the thundering black storm clouds above. Aggressive waves leached of colour crashed against the beach, sending splinters of icy spray into the air while white foam gathered at the edge of the tide. The cries of several sea-bound birds graced the beach as they circled cautiously above, unwilling to share their beach with the reptilian predator.

Giggling laughter and screams of mock terror broke the dragoness out of her stupor, and she couldn't help but allow a smile to cross her muzzle as she turned to focus on three shapes playing in the waves. Two adorned the same colour of scales she had, their leathery wings open as they played in the waves. The other had golden scales and delicate wings, which they held close to their side as they played. Occasionally they were knocked over by the strong tide, but only bounced to their feet again with laughter from the others.

Ember allowed herself a small smile as she watched her children. Such innocent joy warmed her heart. Laughter was so rare, and playful frivolity in short demand. Part of her wanted to run into the waves and join her hatchlings, to play as she had so long ago. But her body felt heavy, and her thoughts subdued. Only able to enjoy the happiness of others rather than motivated to experience it herself. It was a strange tiredness, one that seemed to accompany many she came across. One that she wished to rid herself of but was unable to. The rumbling thunder only served as a reminder of the horror that was the rest of the world.

She turned her gaze to the grooves she was still cutting in the sand, stopping for a moment as she studied her claws. Claws of a murderer. Where hundreds... maybe thousands, had fallen. She could barely remember their faces, each a pain that together only produced a numbness that seemed to occupy her entire being. Each screaming in pain as her fire or her claws sent them to the final sleep. It had been years since she had taken a life, but still, she couldn't recover from what she had done. Now, here she was, struggling to even enjoy the laughs of her children as they bounced around in the waves, innocent of the horrors of their parents and grandparents.

A sigh escaped her as she glanced at the sky warily, seeing a flash of lightning in the rumbling clouds. She reasoned she should be used to it by now. The sky seemed to be constantly rumbling, threatening to spill its life-giving rain to the ground below. But it never did, as though afraid it would just get filled with more. Still, the rumbling and flashing only brought back memories of unwanted actions and horror-filled deeds.

Ember sighed as she returned her gaze back to her playing children. A sudden panic seized her as she spotted something else in the water. A drop of unnatural blue in the usual dismal waves. Instantly she was on her feet, sending sand flying in each direction as she raised her wings with a roar of warning.

"Avil! Burin! Ceval! Out of the water! Hurry!" she cried.

The three hatchlings looked toward her, spurred by her panicked voice. With a couple of erratic wingbeats, they launched themselves out of the waves, landing by her with concerned glances back toward the water. Ember leaped over them with a flap, landing with her wings aflame and a spark of anger in her eyes. The blue shape in the water seemed to hesitate, before rising out of the water.

Ember growled at the water drake that appeared. He seemed a young drake, around his second decade of life, with deep ocean blue scales and wings held tightly and submissively to his side. His head was lowered, and his long tail waved back and forth within the water behind him.

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