Dragon Species (Physical)

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Category: Physical

Characteristics: A green dragon with scales that range from murky, swampy green to a foresty green. They have a brown, rocky underbelly and large scales that are extremely hard. They are often considered the biggest dragon, the oldest being as big as small hills. They have small brown spikes on their back, ranging from their neck to their tail. At the end of their tail is a large spiked ball that can be used to crush and break most objects. On the back of their head are two ram-like horns. Like most dragons, their eyes are a piercing yellow. 

Powers: Earth is often considered the most diverse element, because of the number of things it can do. These include, but are not limited to: breathing rock in different forms, using and breathing sand and dirt, manipulation of plants and trees. Powerful earth dragons can manipulate and change the ground around them and make it do their bidding.

Strengths: Earth dragons are often very strong and steadfast, as hard to move as the earth around them. Because of this, they are often very difficult to defeat in battle, as they are incredibly strong. The diversity of their element also allows them to continue to surprise their opponent in multiple ways.

Weaknesses: Because they are so large it also makes them very heavy and far more awkward in the air than other dragons. They are also the slowest dragon, making them easy targets for attack. The dragon that would be considered its weakness would be dragons that can take an unphysical form, such as shadow or spirit dragons.

Equilibrium: At this point, an earth dragon becomes one with the ground. It is considered the easiest equilibrium to control, some even manage it on the first try. They have destructive capabilities and can create massive earthquakes or rise into the air as mountains, and create ravines. When they are in equilibrium, anything touching the ground is in danger.

Mastery: Earth is considered the most difficult element to master, simply because of how diverse it is. A master of earth would be able to do pretty much anything to earth around him/her, and also use anything inside the earth. This includes anything from lava and even metal. They could create forests in an instant and the earth itself would obey them.

Other: Most earth dragons are content to learn only one aspect of their element, and can be quite dull at times. They are often considered the most dangerous dragon to fight head-on.


Category: Physical

Characteristics: A very light, creamy brown dragon that is one of the smaller species. They have the largest wings of any dragon, allowing them great ability in the sky. They have a long tail and are rather wirily. As far as scales go, they are relatively weak and are very smooth, making them more aerodynamic. They don't have any spines on their back and have two straight horns on their head. Their eyes are yellow.

Powers: Wind dragons can breath large gusts of wind that can reach very high speeds and strength, enough to knock planes and other dragons out of the sky. Powerful wind dragons can create gusts of wind with parts of their body and can even manipulate it to create tornados and hurricanes.

Strengths: Wind dragons are very fast, the second-fastest species of dragon. They are very aerodynamic and can often perform manoeuvres other dragons can't. This makes them very difficult to hit and attack. Their control of the wind also makes it hard for other dragons to pursue and fight them in the air.

Weaknesses: The nature of their element makes it very difficult for them to kill other dragons... most of the time. Their softer scales also makes them susceptible to injuries and if a dragon is able to catch them, they are rather easy to take down as they lack natural strength. Their weakness is steadfast elements that are difficult to move, such as earth and metal.

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