Dragon Species (Energy)

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Category: Energy

Characteristics: A medium-sized dragon. They have red scales that vary from light to dark and have a yellow underbelly. There eyes, like most dragons, are yellow and they have small spines running down the length of their back to the tip of their tail. They have two straight horns on the back of their head and rather hard scales that can be difficult to penetrate if the right weapons aren't used.

Powers: A fire dragons main ability is to be able to breathe fire. Other abilities include being able to have infra-red vision, allowing them to see heat, and heating themselves up. Powerful fire dragons are able to set themselves alight with flame and manipulate and control fire around them.

Strengths: Fire is a very destructive element, often considered the most destructive out of the twenty different types of dragons. It has the ability to spread and slowly degrade buildings, forests and even cities, while also being able to cause large explosions. A rather weak fire dragon could level an entire city through starting with one building. All they would need to do is fan the flame.

Weaknesses: Because fire is used so often and is so well known, it is general knowledge to know the basics behind how to stop it. Mostly this is through using water or cooling it down. Because of this water dragons are often able to defeat a fire dragon.

Equilibrium: This is considered the most destructive equilibrium, being nearly unstoppable in its power. At this point, a fire dragon becomes fire, in its very essence, a raging inferno with unlimited potential. The fire can shift and change like most equilibriums, and if a fire dragon has control they can even become almost solid. Like this, they are impossible to touch with physical attacks.

Mastery: To master fire a dragon has to be able to control fire with their mind to the utmost level. They should be able to do almost anything with it, from creating near solid objects to making explosions in midair. A master of fire would be able to create flames with their thoughts, and anywhere they wish to, such as inside another being.

Other: Most fire dragons have a famous temper that, when provoked, can lead them to making rash decisions. However, this temper also increased the heat and power of their fire, making them formidable. They are also the most common dragon.


Category: Energy

Characteristics: Shadow dragons are a smaller species of dragon, with pure black scales. They have bladed wings and a long-bladed tail. Along their back is a row of sharp spines and they have two curved horns on the back of their head. Their wings are larger than average and they have long claws, longer than normal. They have two sharp curved horns on their head

Powers: Shadow dragons are able to breathe a substance that is similar to fire, but instead of burning it degrades and causes massive amounts of pain to anyone affected. They are also able to access what is known as the 'shadow dimension', a dark place that is a mirror of the real world, but while in the shadow dimension they can only watch. Powerful shadow dragons are able to absorb power from the shadow dimension, allowing them to become even more powerful.

Strengths: Shadow dragons are able to effectively teleport by travelling through the shadow realm. This allows them to escape most situations rather easily and allows them to dodge even the fiercest of attacks. The blades along their wings and tail can be used to cut maim and weaken other dragons, and their small stature allows for lightning-quick attacks.

Weaknesses: Being small in stature they are rather weak physically and can often be battered quite easily. A weakness for them would be dragons that could withstand a lot of punishment, as well as dish out as much. These include metal and earth dragons. Also, if there are no shadows around they are unable to fade into shadow. This makes them weak against light and fire dragons as well.

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