The World of the Second Age

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This is an overview of the world in which I am writing about. In hindsight, I should have done this sooner, but alas here it is. Thank you @AylinAkinal for the suggestion.

The Continent

During the time of the second age, the world consisted of one massive supercontinent, known by most simply as 'the continent'. It covered a little under half the planet and was a place where most occupants of the world lived. There were numerous islands dotting the ocean, but no other large landmasses.

Both humans and dragons call this place home, with dragons being the dominant species. Dragons typically keep humans as slaves or servants, using them to build, farm, mine, and help with other intricate things that human hands are good for. When finding a free human village, a dragon party will usually raid to find more workers, that or they will strike a deal with the leaders of the community that they will help with whatever the dragon's need help with. In return, however, many dragons will protect any human friends with ferocity.

Several centuries before the end of the second age several wars break out known as the 'Ashen Wars'. These wars caused the dragon species to split into seven different nations that each occupy a portion of The Continent. To the north is the physical species of dragons, to the south are the energy species, and directly in the middle is the mental species of dragons. This allowed peace to reign amongst the nations, and it has been this way for many years.

The Fire Nation

Species: Fire, Lightning, and Chaos

Ruler: Athaer, Queen of Fire

Lightning Representative: Joy'el, dragoness

Chaos Representative: Agonel, Drake

The ruler of the fire nation is typically the most powerful dragon within the nation and is often chosen through a fight to the death between the current ruler and a challenger. Any dragon can make this challenge if they are considered mentally fit to take the role, and they are part of the fire nation. The challenger must be twenty years of age or older. If a lightning or chaos dragon wishes to try for the place of the position, they must first defeat the representative of their race and take their position, before challenging the throne. For a fire dragon, they can simply challenge the current ruler. This would change if one of the other species claimed the throne. One day of every month is set aside to allow for a challenger to fight for their right to rule.

The fire nation occupies southern-most point of the continent and is split into three cities, one for each of the species. The fire city is the largest and the furthest south of all of them, right on the edge of the ocean. The other cities hold the borders. Directly bordering the fire nation is the light nation to the west, the shadow nation to the east, and the mental nation directly to the north.

The Light Nation

Species: Light

Ruler: Lumiane, king of light

The light nation is considered a rather noble nation and chooses their rulers based on direct lineage to the king, who often has many offspring. Usually the most powerful among them are considered, and often it is a drake that is chosen. There are several noble families because of this, many of these rulers of their own cities or towns.

The Light kingdom occupies the South West of the continent. It has many cities and towns within its borders, with the largest being The City of the Sun, directly in the centre of their land. It is bordered by the fire nation to the east, the water nation to the north, and the mental nation to the north-east.

The Water Nation

Species: Water and Acid

Ruler: Siedon, King of the ocean

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