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Hermione and Scorpius walked in Diagon Alley alongside Ginny and James Sirius Potter

James and Scorpius immediately connected and were talking about rocks apparently

"Thank you again Ginny, for letting us stay with you" Hermione smiled

Ginny dismissed her

"Don't worry about it, I'm just glad you're—"

Ginny stopped talking and Hermione furrowed her eyebrows


She followed her eyesight and felt her heart stop beating

Draco Malfoy stood there frozen, he had a bag of groceries in his arms, Hermione couldn't help but glance at his left hand, no wedding was on it

"Mummy?" Scorpius asked

Hermione jumped slightly and she looked at her son

"I'm okay my koala" she whispered softly and patted his head


Hermione looked over to Draco who had jumped and turned to a boy around eight years old, his hair was bubblegum blue


"Andromeda died a year later after we graduated, and since Malfoy was his closest blood family, he got custody of Teddy, Harry had agreed to it and Draco raised him as his own" Ginny explained

"Draco?" Hermione asked her

Ginny looked back to Malfoy

"He spends Saturdays with us at the Burrow" Ginny confessed

Hermione looked at Draco who was looking back at her and Scorpius

"Scorp let's get some ice cream" Hermione said

Scorpius took her hand and then looked at where his mother was looking

"Whose that?" He asked

"No one Scorp, he's no one" Hermione said

She led him away

Draco came up to Ginny and James

"You have a lot of nerve Malfoy" Ginny said, Draco could hear the anger in her tone

Draco sighed

"How long is she here?" Draco asked hopeful

"Uh Uh" Ginny said "you already broke her heart once, like hell you think I'll let you break it again" she warned



Draco raised an eyebrow at her

"Potter" he corrected himself "Ginny...please" he begged softly

Ginny growled under her breath and tapped her foot impatiently

"Teddy, can you take James to get some ice cream?" Ginny asked

Teddy nodded and Draco gave him some galleons

When both boys left Ginny turned back to Draco

"She's here until your mothers gala, after that she goes back to Canada" she sighed

Draco looked to the ice cream shop, he saw Hermione giggling with her — their — son, she tucked one of his curls behind his ear and kissed his forehead

"Is she...is she married?" Draco asked

Gods he hoped she wasn't, he couldn't bear another man raising his son and loving his witch

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