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Hermione was in Hogsmeade looking for an available space to buy for her new cafe when she saw Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes

"Who wants to see George and Ron?" Hermione asked the boys


They entered the store and were met by miniature fireworks

"Don't touch anything that can bite, light you on fire, punch, make you invisible, or turn you blue!" She ordered as the boys ran away

"You basically said to not touch anything" Ron sniggered

Hermione smiled at him

"So...I saw the papers"

Hermione pinched the bridge of her nose

"I get to be godfather this time" he ordered

Hermione laughed loudly

"I'm being serious" he gasped dramatically

Hermione hugged her best friend and relaxed into his body

"I missed you Ron"

He hugged her back

"Promise me you won't run away again"

She squeezed tightly

"I promise"

He kissed her forehead and pulled away

"So...what's the gender of the baby?" He asked

Hermione giggled

"It's a girl"

"I call dibs on being Godfather, let the—let me write this down" Ron said and snapped his fingers, a notebook landed in his hands

"Let the record show that on this date—" he began rambling "—I, Ron Bilius Weasley, have declared myself godfather of Hermione Jean Granger and the ferret—"

"Ron" Hermione warned

"—Fine" Ron mumbled and crossed it out "Draco Lucius Malfoy, unborned child, I hereby swear that I will vow to be there for the child if Hermione and Draco cannot for whatever reason raise her, for example...a dark wizard with no nose decides to arise and target Hermione and Draco—"


He laughed

"—I will not let myself get caught and thrown to Azkaban and I shall raise—"

"You can be the baby's godfather! Just for the love of Merlin stop imposing Harry's life o my unborn baby girl! You'll jinx us!"

He smirked and lit the paper on fire

"You know Draco's going to kill you" she stated "and when did you get so dark?"

"George does it, he finally started making jokes...about Fred...and—and I think he's finally being able to move on, Harry calls it dark humour, what people use to make fun of their trauma, he does it a lot, I guess it rubbed off" Ron shrugged

Hermione giggled

"But am I? The godfather?" He asked hopeful

Hermione smiled and cupped his cheek

"There's no one better for her"

"I hear Rhona is a good name for a girl" he stated

"Did you seriously make a female name for Ron?" Hermione groaned

"What? Ron's a good name!"

"I already agreed to let you be this baby's godfather, do not push your luck Ronald Weasley"

He laughed loudly and led Hermione into the store

"Hermione!" George greeted

"Hi George" Hermione smiled



"Oh Merlin" she muttered as Scorpius and Teddy ran to her

Teddy was yellow and Scorpius was green

"Ah it seems that they have found our new invention" George smirked

"What exactly does it do?" She asked

"It guesses your Hogwarts houses by paining you the colour of the four houses" Ron explained

"So you're saying..."

"Teddy will probably be in Hufflepuff and Scorpius in Slytherin" George said

"You're thing is broken, Scorpius is not going to Slytherin" She accused

She did not go through a difficult pregnancy, a twenty hour labour, have her son resembled his father, only to have said son to go to the house of Snake instead of the house of Lion

That would be the day

"Being too prideful Granger? I have to say that Scorp has a lot of cunningness in his small frame" George told her

"I do not" Scorpius said

"Really? You negotiated the price for the little trinket in your pocket" George said

Scorpius blushed and patted his pocket

Hermione sighed with defeat

This was going to be a long lifetime

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