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The day of the big date arrived and Draco felt like a thirteen year old boy going on his first date again

He stood in front of his mirror fixing his hair for the billionth time, Teddy was on his bed reading Quidditch: through the ages

"It looks fine dad" Teddy said


"Dad" Teddy interrupted and put his book down "you have your emergency kit out" Teddy told him

Draco looked at the kit in question

He sighed and turned back to the mirror before finishing up

The Floo roared to life and Draco furrowed his eyebrows in confusion


Draco and Teddy left the bedroom and went into the living room

Hermione stood there with Scorpius and Crookshanks


"I'm sorry to do this but I am sorry that I have to cancel tonight, there was an emergency and I have a portkey in twenty minutes, I was hoping that you could take care of Scorp and Crooks for two or three days?" She asked

When Draco didn't respond she pinched her nose

"I'm sorry for barging in like this, forget it, I'm sure Harry—"

"I'll do it" Draco blurted out

Hermione sighed with relief and smiled at him

"Thank you" she whispered

She knelt down and Scorpius turned to her

"Mummy take me with you" he whispered

Hermione cupped his face

"I'll be back as soon as I can" she promised "but right now it's better if you stay here in London"

Scorpius sniffed and wiped his eyes

"I'll miss you mummy"

Hermione wiped his tears and hugged him tightly

"I'll be back before you can Bastian" she whispered into his hair before kissing his forehead

"I love you mummy" Scorpius whispered

"I love you too my koala bear" she whispered softly before standing up and turning to Draco and Scorpius

"Thank you so much, his routine is written down and is in his backpack" she said "goodbye Malfoy, goodbye Teddy" she said as she stepped through the green flames

Scorpius stood in front of the fireplace and began crying softly, Draco went up to him and knelt in front of him

"Do you want to watch the telly Scorp?" Draco asked

Scorpius sniffed and nodded slightly

Draco smiled and led him to the couches, Teddy sat beside him and turned on the telly

"What do you want to watch?" Teddy asked softly

Scorpius hugged the stuffed Koala Bear tighter

Teddy and Draco shared a glance

"Do you want a milkshake? I was about to make some for Teddy and I" Draco whispered

Scorpius sucked on his thumb and nodded slightly

Draco smiled and got up, he went into the small kitchen and looked into the living room

Teddy was holding Scorpius as a movie played on the telly, Draco smiled softly at the scene, his two sons connecting and making an unbreakable bond

He could only hope that he and Hermione would soon be able to take the next step together

"What is your...favourite food?" Hermione asked Draco

They were on his bed, she was wearing his quidditch jersey and was eating a chocolate strawberry

Draco hummed

"My mother's pie" he said

Hermione smiled brightly

Lately something has been fluttering in his chest that arose every time Hermione was around

"Yours?" Draco asked

Hermione tapped her chin

"Strawberry shortcake"

Draco raised an eyebrow at her

"My mum used to make it for me" she whispered

"Used to?" Draco asked her

Hermione sighed and looked down

"My parents died a little later after the war...apparently I was too late to saving them...the deatheaters had found them and put a curse on them...so if Vol—you-know-who lost the war...I would pay the price" she told him

Draco put the tray on the floor and pulled Hermione into his chest, she cried softly into his shirt, in that moment he swore to himself that he would make sure to never see her cry from a loss of a family

Little did he know that three weeks she would be leaving him

Draco sighed and shook his head

He has a second chance now, the fates have granted him one last chance to fix his past mistakes

And he was going to be damned if he let Hermione slip through his fingers again

"Milkshakes are ready" Draco said and walked in, three chocolate milkshakes hovered behind him as he settled beside his sons

Scorpius had stopped sucking on his thumb but he still had a look of sadness in his eyes

Draco pulled Scorpius onto his lap and Teddy crawled on after, Draco gave him a small squeeze before turning back to Scorpius

"You're mummy will be back before you know it" Draco promised

Scorpius looked up at him, something flashed in his chocolate coloured eyes that Draco didn't recognize

Scorpius hesitantly wrapped his tiny arms around Draco's neck and gave him his first hug ever

Draco felt like crying, this may be tiny to anyone but to him it meant the world, it meant that he was making progress towards built him up his family

His whole family

Draco kissed his blond curls before pulled Teddy closer to him, the three boys watched movies for the rest of the day, Draco knew that slowly but surely he would have his family again

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