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As the gala began to creep over the horizon, Hermione could not go anywhere without being hassled

She did not take Scorpius nor Teddy with her when she went out and had to cast many spells on her abdomen to keep her baby safe

She was trying to leave Flourish and Blotts when she immediately got bombarded by many reporters

Including Rita Skeeter

"Hermione darling? Are you gaining weight?"

Hermione gripped her bag and turned to look at the old witch

The quick-quill was hovering beside Rita's big head as the witch smirked

She had lipstick on her teeth

"Where's that adorable little boy? Tell me a secret..." Rita said "did you change his appearance to ensure no one would find out about your affair with Harry?" She whispered

She even had the audacity to wink

"I beg your pardon?" Hermione sneered

"It's okay—"

Hermione got into Rita's face and the older witch backed up slightly

"How dare you?" Hermione spat "how dare you insinuate such a thing?! Scorpius is Draco's son! I am in love with Draco Malfoy and we are getting married! We are expecting another child! One that we will love just as much as Teddy and Scorpius!" She yelled

"AND TO ALL OF YOU! LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE OR ELSE I WILL HEX EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU!" She screamed before apperating with a crack that shook the ground

She landed in the living room and heard Teddy and Scorpius laughing

Making her way to their bedroom, she saw them with books opened

"When our baby sister comes, we'll have to teach her how to fly" Teddy said

"Oh! We can show her how to play with our Quidditch set, that way she won't chew the toys" Scorpius said

"And she'll sleep in my bed" Teddy said

"Why not mine?" Scorpius pouted

"Because I'm the oldest" Teddy stated

Hermione placed a hand on her abdomen as she slowly entered

"Hi" she whispered softly

Both boys looked at her and scrambled go hug her

"Are you okay Mum?" Teddy asked

Hermione knelt and began crying into their shoulders

Teddy and Scorpius shared a glance before they began patting her hair

This was the third time she broke down in that day

"You okay mummy?" Scorpius whispered

Hermione started talking incoherently as she wiped her nose with her sleeve

The floorboards creaked as Draco made his way to the bedroom


Hermione looked at him and another wave of emotions flooded her

He knelt beside her and slowly hooked his arms around her before lifting her up

Teddy and Scorpius huffed out a breath of air

"Girls are complicated" Teddy said

Scorpius nodded as they walked back to their toy set

Draco settled her into their shared bed

"And—And—And I-I-I-I c-c-couldn't even g-get m-m-m-my Camembert" she sobbed into his shirt

That was a new one...

"Do you want me to go get you some Camembert?"

"Do you want to leave me?!" She yelled and got out of the bed and stormed into the walk-in closet


"Don't you dare 'love' me!" She yelled as she stormed out

A bag in hand

Draco quickly got out the bed and took her by the upper arms

"Hermione" he snapped

She stopped abruptly and her lower lip stuck out

"Hermione" he whispered

She started giggling before breaking out in laughter

"Are you still angry?" He asked cautiously

"You got me pregnant!" She yelled

She was still angry

"And this baby is making me crazy! You are making—let go of me!"

Draco jumped back

She was still laughing

"I'm hot!" She laughed "this goddamn baby is making me hot all the damn time!"

She removed her sweater

"She better not drive me up the wall when she's here!"

Everything went silent

"Y-Y-You're p-pregnant with a-a g-girl?" Draco stuttered

Hermione gulped

"Surprise?" She squeaked

"W-Why didn't you tell me?" He asked her

Hermione sighed dramatically

"Because you were so adamant on having a girl and I didn't want you to win but now you found out and I'm a horrible person that is selfish and inconsiderate, you wanted a little girl for years and for weeks I have kept this from you oh why do you want to marry me?" She sobbed

She sat on the bed and sobbed into her hands

Draco knelt before her

"Hermione" he whispered softly

He pulled her hands away from her face

"Darling..." he whispered "I'm marrying you because I am so madly in love with you that I cannot wait to tell the world that you are mine...and that I am yours" he whispered "and it's okay you kept the gender hidden, we're having a girl Hermione, I don't care if you had told me on the day you found out or in the delivery room when the Healer handed it over, we're having a girl, I'm so glad"

She sniffed

He cleaned off her tears

"Are you mad that I told Rita about us?" She whispered

"You put her in her spot, and I told you, I would have wanted to announce us the day you agreed to be in my life again"

She dropped her head onto his shoulder

"I'm so tired Draco" she whispered softly "I'm so tired of feeling like if I'm on a roller coaster, I'm so tired of getting snappy with you, you're perfect, oh Draco you don't deserve me..." she whispered softly

He nudged her head and made her look at him

"I'm so madly in love with you Hermione, you can be snappy with me all you want, you're perfect...I'll be whatever you want to be with me, you want to be angry? Be angry with me, you want to be sad? Be sad with me, we're going to be husband and wife my love, we do things together, you're pregnant, you can be whatever you want" he whispered softly

She kissed him

"I love you"

He smiled against her lips

"I love you too"

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