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Hermione stood with Harry, Ginny and their children

"Are you sure your mother isn't mad?" Hermione asked for the billionth time

"I'm sure she isn't mad, Ron got married three years ago, he ran into Padma Patil and one thing led to another" Ginny explained

Hermione sighed and nodded

"Let's go" Hermione said

Harry grabbed one of the baskets and James hand before dissaperating, Ginny grabbed two baskets and smiled at Hermione before she dissaperated behind Harry

Hermione knelt down and looked at Scorpius who was fidgeting

"Are you ready?" She asked

Scorpius nodded and looked at his mother

"I'm sorry mummy" he whispered

"What for?"

"For throwing a tantrum on Thursday" he told her

Hermione smiled

"Thank you Scorpius" she whispered

Hermione kissed his forehead and he got onto her back

"Hold on tight" she instructed before dissaperating, she landed in the back meadow and lowered Scorpius down

"Thought you made a run for it" Ginny said as Hermione walked to her, Scorpius held her hand tightly and talked timidly with James

They reached the Burrow

"Ready?" Ginny whispered

Hermione shook her head

"Come on" Ginny said and took her hand

They entered the threshold and everyone stopped talking and looked at Hermione and Scorpius

"Mummy" Scorpius whispered, Hermione gave him a calming squeeze

"Hermione" Ron whispered

Hermione saw her ex-boyfriend and best friend walking up to her slowly, he looked down and saw the little boy hiding behind her

"Hi Ron" she whispered

Ron came up to her and hugged her tightly, he laughed and kissed her hair before picking her up

"You're home!" He laughed

He let her go and turned to Scorpius who was now hiding behind Ginny

"I'm Ron, Ron Weasley" Ron introduced himself as he knelt down, he extended his hand and Scorpius eyed it "It's nice to meet you" Ron said softly

Scorpius looked at his mother who smiled, the young boy emerged from behind Ginny and shook Ron's hand

"I'm Scorpius Granger" he said before running to his mother

Hermione giggled as her son hid behind her again

The matriarch of the Burrow left the kitchen and looked at Hermione and her son

"Hello Mrs. Weasley" Hermione whispered

"It's Molly dear" Molly smiled "welcome home" she said and went to hug her tightly, Hermione sighed with relief and leaned into the older witch

Molly pulled away and looked at Scorpius

"And how exactly might you be?" She smiled

"This is Scorpius Granger" Hermione introduced

Two children around seven years old and including James came up to Scorpius

"I'm Fred Weasley the second" the red hair boy introduced himself

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