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Draco was in his kitchen when he heard a soft voice speak up to him

He turned around and saw Scorpius standing by the doorframe

"Everything alright Scorp?" Draco asked

Scorpius played with the edge of his shirt before bringing his thumb to his mouth and sucked


"We need to talk" Scorpius said

Draco's eyebrows raised in surprise

"S-Sure" Draco stuttered slightly

Scorpius walked to the table and got onto one of the chairs, Draco settled across from him, the two of them sat in silence to the point that Draco started to get uncomfortable


"Will you hurt my mummy again?" Scorpius interrupted

"What? No, no Scorp" Draco quickly said

Scorpius looked at him, an analyzing look on his face reminded Draco a lot Hermione when faced with a difficult equation

"My mummy deserves the best, she deserves to be happy, can you make her happy?"

Draco nodded

"Will you choose my mummy?"

Draco stayed silent for a second before taking a deep breath

"I will chose you and your mother Scorp, we're all a family, I'm sorry for not being there sooner but I'm here now, and I would love it if...if you could give me a chance to be your father, I know I failed you and your mother before, but I promise you Scorp, I won't hurt you or your mother ever again" Draco promised

Scorpius sucked on his thumb

"Do you love my mummy?"

One simple question and Draco forgot how to breathe, he kept forgetting that Scorpius was really smart and super intuitive when it came to his mother

Draco cleared his throat and looked down at the table

"I've loved your mother for years Scorp" Draco confessed "even before she gave me a chance I loved her"

Draco closed his eyes and thought back to fourth year

Draco stood with Pansy in a stuffy robe, he resisted the urge to fidget with his tie as he ignored Pansy going on and on about who knew what

Suddenly Pansy stopped talking and Draco furrowed his eyebrows in confusion

"No way" Pansy sneered

Draco followed her eye line and saw Granger descending down the stairs, she was wearing a periwinkle blue dress that hugged her in all the right places

She looked...


Over the past year, Draco has noticed that his attention had been drawn to the muggleborn witch more often that he would like, at first he said that it was because he wanted blackmail in order to get back at her for humiliating him by punching him, but over the past few months that Krum has been pining after her has left a bitter feeling in his stomach

He knew her, not some Quidditch superplayer, he knew that she liked sitting at the back of the library because it kept her away from the door and the sun hit her perfect, not enough to blind her and boil her alive while she did her work, just enough to warm her during a chilly day and she more often than not would stop doing her assignments and bathed in the sunlight

He knew that she loved caramel candies and would eat them all day if she had the choice

He knew that she had a big heart and cared for everyone, even if they didn't appreciate her like he did

And above all, he knew that she was breathtaking, he couldn't deny that he liked the way she cleaned up, but if he had to choose, he would say that he loved it when she had her unruly curls in a messy bun, those strands of hair that break free frame her face perfectly and what he wouldn't give in order to be the one to push them away from her eyes

He liked the way the dress fell around her but he would choose to see her in her muggle clothes, she wasn't ashamed of her heritage and if he was being completely honest, he thought that muggle clothes looked more comfortable than wizards robes

And the smile she was wearing at that moment may be beautiful but the smile she wore whenever she read a muggle fantasy romance book would always be his favourite, it was soft and her eyes gleamed with wonder whenever she read those books, the way she would giggle at something and gasp at another made him mesmerized

For a brief second, she made eye contact with him before looking back to her date

But Draco knew, gods did he know

That he had fallen in love with that witch who slapped him a year ago

Draco opened his eyes and looked at Scorpius who was looking at him with his mother's eyes

"I'm so in love with your mother Scorpius Richard Granger that it nearly killed me when I let her go"

Scorpius analyzed the answer, he removed his thumb from his mouth and wiped it on his shirt before intertwining his fingers on the table, a position he learned from his mother whenever she wanted to have a serious talk with him

Like when she told him where babies came from

"I will...allow...you to...date my mummy...but if you hurt her...auntie Ginny and uncle Harry will hex you to obio—obl—obli—"

"Oblivion" Draco corrected gently

"Yes, they will hex you till then, deal?" Scorpius asked

Draco smiled softly at him

"Deal" he agreed

Scorpius exhaled

"And...if it's okay with you...only if it's okay with you...can I—is it okay—can I...call you dad?" Scorpius whispered softly

Draco felt his eyes well up, he laughed tearfully and quickly went up to him, kneeling in front of Scorpius

"It's more than okay" Draco whispered

Scorpius nodded and hugged Draco

The Floo roared to life and Draco stood up

They walked to the Living room where Narcissa stood by the fire mantle

"Grandma Cissy!" Scorpius laughed and ran to her

She laughed and picked him up while Draco heard Teddy running to the living room

"Grandma Cissy!"

He joined in on the hug and Narcissa showered both grandsons with kisses

"Mother? What are you doing here?" Draco asked confused

"I was here to take both of these wonderful boys out for a grandmas day, you and Hermione will have the house to yourselves" Narcissa winked

"Mother" Draco whined

"Hush now, where is she?"

Hermione appeared a few moments later

"Oh! Hello Narcissa" Hermione greeted

"Hello dear, as I was telling Draco, I am taking these two boys for a Grandma's day and you two will have the house to yourselves" Narcissa smirked

Hermione blushed red

Narcissa summoned the boys jackets and helped them put them on before turning to the fireplace

"Do try for a girl this time" she sang as she stepped through the flames

Leaving them alone for the first time in weeks

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