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Hermione was at Grimmaulds place with Scorpius and James, Harry had a meeting at Hogwarts and Ginny had practice

Hermione was bussing herself around the kitchen when the Floo roared to life


Hermione looked out the door

"What's wrong?" She asked Draco

"Is Potter here?" He asked

She shook her head

"Harry is at Hogwarts and Ginny is at practice, what's wrong?" She asked him

Draco sighed and sat down

"It's just another paper regarding my care with Teddy, apparently since I'm a deatheater I can't...I can't legally adopt him" Draco whispered

Hermione sat beside him

"You're going to adopt Teddy?" She whispered softly

Draco nodded

"I can't do many things with him since he's not legally my child, Potter suggested that since I'm raising Ted that I should have full guardianship of him, if I adopt him and legally change his name to Malfoy then I'll be able to give him an even bigger inheritance and I'll be able to take him out of the country, Teddy wants to go to Disney World for his birthday" Draco said "but thanks to this—" he spat and shoved his left arm sleeve up "—Potter has to testify that he gave me consent to raise Teddy and that I didn't abuse the situation of my aunt dying to take advantage of it" he explained

Hermione placed a hand on his hand

"I'm sure everything will work out" she assured him

Draco turned his hand and intertwined their fingers together

"This is karma isn't it?" He asked himself "I let you go with our son and now I can't adopt Teddy...it seems I always make the wrong choice" he whispered to himself

Hermione snuggled closer to him

"We were young Malfoy" she whispered "we were young and stupid" she told him

"I ran after you" he confessed

Hermione raised her head

"What?" She asked confused

He looked at her, sadness and regret was clear in his eyes

"After you told me you were pregnant and after I stormed away, I made my decision and I ran after you...but I was too late" he explained "I spent the whole year looking for you" he told her

"But...I saw on the daily Prophet that you were courting Astoria Greengrass" she said

Draco groaned and covered his eyes

"That was just a stupid rumour that she started, after you got pregnant the marriage contract between me and her got annulled and the Greengrass's wanted to force the marriage so she came up with that rumour, but two years passed and no headway, she met Adrian and the rest is history" he said

Hermione processed it

"Wait...if you got that copy that meant you were still here in London" Draco told her

Hermione sighed and leaned back

"I stayed for a few a couple of weeks, I rented a small flat in Wales, I didn't know where I was going and I didn't want to leave home just yet...it was that article that drove me to move across the ocean"

Draco sighed

"We missed so much time" he whispered

She leaned her head on his shoulder

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