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Draco moved around the cottage, he picked up the boys toys as he contemplated if he asked her to marry him too soon

He was so lost in thought that he didn't hear the roar of the Floo come to life

He jumped when he heard the familiar sound of a cane hitting the wooden floorboards

"Father" he whispered panicked

He glanced at the closed door where Teddy was sleeping

"W-What are you doing here?" He asked cautiously

"This is a Malfoy property—"

"It's not" Draco interrupted "it's not a Malfoy Property"

"Do not interrupt me boy" Lucius spat

"Get out" Draco ordered

"Don't you dare—"

"Get out of my house now!" Draco yelled

The door creaked open and Teddy stood holding the stuffed quaffle

"Daddy?" Teddy whispered in fear

"It's okay Teddy" Draco assured as he pulled Teddy into his chest

"Get out now" Draco ordered the older wizard

Lucius sneered at his son before turning on his heel and stepped through the green flames

Draco kissed his crying son and consoled him

His mother had sworn that Lucius would never be able to step through the Floo network

In fact she had sworn that he had not known about this place

The Floo roared to life

"I said get out!"

"Draco" she gasped and ran to him and Teddy

"How?" Draco asked her "how did he get in?"

"I-I-I-I don't know" she said "I made sure that he could not come through without one of—"

She stopped talking abruptly and reached for her necklace

"He has one of the keys" she said "he—that bastard" she growled

"Mother?" Draco asked confused

Teddy sniffed and clung tighter to Draco, he pulled Teddy closer and kissed his hair

"I—I made three keys, the master, the second and the one you gave Hermione, you have the master, I kept the second for myself in case of emergencies, he must have...he must have taken it off me whilst I slept—oh Teddy I didn't mean to scare you" she whispered as she pulled Teddy to her chest

He cried into her shoulder

"He will never step foot here again" she promised Draco

Draco sighed and nodded softly

Teddy pulled back from Narcissa and went back to his father, Draco brushed his bubblegum blue hair as Teddy sniffed

"It's still early" Draco whispered "I should put him back to bed for now" he said

Narcissa nodded and stood up, she dusted off her gown and kissed both Draco and Teddy

"I'll get my key back, and I'll make sure he never comes here again" she promised as she stepped back through the green flames

"Do you want to sleep in my bed?" Draco asked

Teddy nodded against his shoulder

Draco carried him to his bed and crawled in, Teddy placed his head on his shoulder and his breathing evened out eventually

Draco traced the freckles on Teddy's face

He had permanently placed them there to match Hermione and Scorpius

Teddy kept Remus's face

He matched his hair to his mother's favourite colour

But he had chosen to copy Draco's eyes

And now he has adopted Hermione's freckles that were also on his brother's face

Draco couldn't imagine his life without his son, even though some part of him knows that in another life, his cousin would have had the opportunity to raise Teddy the way he was meant to have been raised, with his mother and father

But fate had been in its own way and now Draco was raising Teddy

And by gods if he didn't love his son

Teddy pulled himself closer to Draco and sighed contently, Draco kissed his hair and closed his eyes

They managed to sleep for a few more hours before the Floo roared to life

Draco heard footsteps walking down the hallway and the door opened, Hermione and Scorpius smiled at the scene

"Hi" Hermione whispered softly as she walked in, Scorpius crawled in and Hermione followed in

"Hi" he whispered back

She placed her head on the second pillow and traced constellations on his knuckles

"Yes" she whispered


Draco believed he didn't hear her correctly

"Yes" she smiled

"Yes, what?"

Please tell me it's to what I think it is

Hermione rolled her eyes

"You can't be this stupid" she mumbled softly

He chuckled

"Yes to what?" Draco whispered

"Yes Draco...I'll marry you"

It took everything in Draco not to jump and celebrate

He took her hand and kissed her knuckles

Draco pulled away and opened his dresser

He pulled out a black velvet box and handed it to her, Hermione gasped and he opened it

"Draco I—"

"I've had this ring since Hogwarts...I knew back then that I would marry you...it only took me six years to ask you that question" he chuckled sadly

"Oh Draco" she whispered softly

"I know I can't fix my past mistakes Hermione...I can't fix what I said and what I did...I was in a place that—that ruined my life in more ways than I thought...I—in some twisted way...driving you away saved me...it...it showed me that...that I needed to be a man—that I couldn't—I blamed everything...I hated myself and—and you would have grown to resent me...and I was so madly in love with you that it terrified me—it still terrifies me because you have so much power over me—the three of you—you all have so much power over me that—I love you Hermione Jean...I love you so much and—you gave me a son...but—we needed to heal on our own before we found out way back...you taught me that I could love again but—but I-I needed Teddy to make me man up and take responsibilities for my actions"

Hermione opened the velvet box and saw a Oval Moissanite engagement ring with a cut Diamond Cluster ring Rose gold ring

It was simple

But it was beautiful

"This was what I could afford, after the war my vaults got locked until I turned twenty-one...I didn't want to give you a ring that had been stained by bigotry and prejudice...I wanted something...pure"

Hermione felt her eyes well up as he slid the ring onto her finger

"I have always loved you so much Granger" Draco whispered



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