Karna's anger on Pandavas

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Draupadi's POV

As Dushshaasan was about to grab my saari, I closed my eyes & joined my hands, and started praying to my Govind for saving me.

But before I could feel any pull on my Saari, I heard a voice shouting STOP.

I opened my eyes, and was surprised to see the person who stood up and raised his voice for defending my self-respect and dignity.

It was not only me, but everyone was surprised. My saviour was nun-other than Karna, whom I disrespected at my Swayambara and whom all the pandavas disrespected by calling him as a Sutputra.

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Everyone was staring at Karna. He was getting more irritated.

He thought, Oh great now they all have the courage to look up.

Duryodhan asked him," What happened Mitra, why did you Stop the sabha?"

He looked at his friend, and Duryodhan was taken a back.

It was the first time he saw the feeling of disappointment in his friend's eyes for him. He understood, that his friend was disappointed with him.

Karna without saying anything, went to the Pandavas.

He looked at Arjuna, and said Today I feel ashamed of myself, that I chose you as my rival. A person who can hear the cries of his wife and bows his head without doing anything to protect her, is not a man in my books.

Then he moved to Yudhishthir, and said, " this is our DharamRaj". A person who puts his Dharam of being a Shaktriya, for playing a game of dice over his Dharma of being a king for his subjects, husband for his wife, and that of an older brother to his younger brothers.

For me you are nothing more than a gambler, who does not know when to stop. Tell me from when did betting your kingdom, your brothers and your wife is considered to be righteous?

And you three, tell me did you loose your consciousness too, during this game? As I did not see any of you objecting Yudhishthir when he was betting you and your wife.

Karna took a deep sigh, and turned to Duryodhan.
Mitra, STOP this. She is a woman and most importantly your sister-in-law. She is a member of your family.

But Mitra karna, she insulted you in her swayamber and she insulted me at the Rajsuya yagya in Indraprastha.

As all this was happening Shakuni was cursing Karna for interrupting in his plans. But before he could try to take control of the situation.

Karna spoke again, Mitra you are a warrior and one of the mightiest one I May add, don't listen to anyone but your heart and tell me does taking revenge in this manner seems okay to you. Does her screams of sorrow, really do not pierce your heart?

Mitra, I know you better than everyone, even yourself. This action of yours in your ego, will shatter your heart and cause agony to not only Draupadi but you too.

Duryodhan was silent.

Bheema mutters under his breath," his evil heart does not know other's pain".

But in the deafening silence of the court, everyone heard it.

Karna turned around with an angry expression on his face towards Bheem. Oh, so you can speak, till now I was thinking you forgot the art of using your voice. Since I did not hear anything from you when your wife was asking everyone for help. And now we do not need to hear anything from you, so keep your mouth shut.

While this was happening, Draupadi felt relieved that this madness was stopped. But was a little suspicious, she did not understand why Karna came to her rescue. He was the last person she expected would raise his voice for her, as she insulted him in front of the entire Aryavrat.

At that moment both Kunti and Gandhari entered the royal court.

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