A little Wisdom

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In Hastinapur.

Listening to the question which the former queen of Anga had voiced, Devarshi with a melancholic smile spoke, "Putri, it's true that our actions do impact our fate, but that's not the entire story. You see, fate also chooses few individuals who not only inspire the generations and Yugas to come, but also carve the path for the betterment of the society.

Take any example of the individuals revered by the society today, and study their lives. Their lives were not peaceful, but rather their path was filled with thorns, and the reason that they are revered is because they took on those challenges, and didn't forsake their ideals and kept marching ahead no matter how much they suffered."

Hearing which Vrushali felt her rage altering into extreme sadness, at which the myriad of tears which she had held back, rolled down her cheeks. Covering her face with her hands a slight sob left her lips. Seeing which Draupadi who was sitting with the wives of Pandavas and Queen mother Kunti stood up, and with a concerned expression on her face moved towards her friend in order to provide her with comfort.

Seeing her approach, the wives of Kauravas who too were concerned for Vrushali looked at each other, after which they shifted their gaze at Bhanumati.

Bhanumati, who was trying to help her Jiji, noticed their gazes, and with some assurance nodded at them, seeing which they shifted to make some space for Draupadi to have a seat near Vrushali. Which she took, while giving them an appreciative nod.

Devarshi, who was looking at this interaction smiled, and after a moment where Draupadi and Bhanumati were providing some comfort to Vrushali spoke, "Putri, I know that it's not easy to see our loved one's suffering, but you also need to remember that through his life Radhey will shine as a hope and example for generations to come.

Honestly, you should be proud of him. A man who through his deeds and actions will bring a change in this society, and whom history would remember fondly as the hero of charity and generosity. Even though he was born with a golden Armor and ear rings, but for what he would be remembered by this world would be his golden character and ideals by which he lived."

Hearing Devarshi's words, and feeling the comfort which the presence of Bhanumati and Draupadi provided her with, Vrushali calmed down. Wiping her face, she looked at the sage with a grateful smile, and nodded.

At that moment Draupadi, who was sitting next to Vrushali, and was thinking about all what Devarshi had told them, spoke up, "Devarshi, you mentioned how the curses which Bhrata had received in his life, were so that he could be killed if the war between Pandavas and Kauravas was to happen. But what would these curses lead to now? And what would it's purpose now be?"

Hearing the question everyone gazed at the sage. Where some of the gazes were only filled with curiosity, others were filled with concern and some hope.

But before Devarshi could open his mouth to give a reply, a loud thunder clap resonated throughout, catching Devarshi's attention. His gaze which earlier was focussed on the occupants in the court, suddenly shifted to the window which displayed the palace gardens outside.

Every occupant who were gazing at Devarshi for his response were stunned hearing the sound of the thunderclap. Since the summers were just beginning, there was a lot of time before the arrival of monsoon. And so, it was rare if not unheard of to hear thunder claps at this part of the year.

Getting out of the shock, the occupants first looked at each other, and then at the sage. Noticing Devarshi's silence, and his gaze which was fixed to the garden outside the palace. All the occupants too shifted their attention to see what had captivated the sage so much.

Evening had fallen, and the sun would soon set. But as the occupants of the court peered outside, it appeared as though the sun had set some time ago already. This drew frowns from everyone present, who were just now starting to realize that there is something not normal about this entire situation.

Turning back to the sage, this time Bhishma spoke, "Devarshi, why does it feel like a massive storm is about to engulf Hastinapur?"

Hearing Bhishma's question, the sage turned at him, and simply spoke, "Not just Hastinapur, Mahamahim."

After which he turned to Draupadi, and spoke, "Putri, you will soon find the answers to your question. But for now, you all need to see something."

At this Devarshi closed his eyes, and mumbled some inaudible phrases. After a few seconds, a large mirror like object started to materialize in the court of Hastinapur. Opening his eyes, he looked at that object, and waved his hand.

Soon everyone started to see images forming on the object, which became clearer and clearer as seconds passed. But as the scene finally became coherent, everyone gasped witnessing the sight in front of their eyes.

There on the mirror, everyone saw Karna engaging in a battle against a man, who despite of his appearance like that of a sage, was battling with extraordinary skill and valour. Seeing which everyone became transfixed at the exchange which they were witnessing.

But before they could continue to watch the battle, a sudden shout of "Gurudev!" from two of the most respected men in Hastinapur resonated in the entire court.

Seeing his Pitamaha and Guru standing with a slack jawed expression, and calling the man Karna was battling as their Guru, Arjun soon realized whom his rival was battling against. This realization, and seeing Karna battling with such proficiency with his guru's guru made him not only envious of Karna's skills, but also made him understand why Devarshi had mentioned that Karna never fought with him with all his might.

While Arjun was dealing with a mix of emotions, Pandavas on the other hand were looking at the battle with fear, especially Bheem who had never left a single opportunity to insult the former king of Anga. He knew that Karna was a formidable warrior, but he trusted Arjuna to counter and most likely defeat that Sutputra, but seeing him battling today he couldn't help but feel scared and thankful towards the all mighty for preventing an encounter between him and Karna within a battle field.

Where Pandavas were shaken by the events playing out in front of them, people like Duryodhan, Vrushali and Bhanumati were extremely concerned. They knew how much Karna loved his Guru, and from the shout of Mahamahim and Guru Dron, it was quite evident whom Radhey was battling against. And so, more than his physical wounds, they were concerned about how much was Karna suffering internally while he was forced to battle the man he looks up to.

At Mahindragiri

As the sun lord drove his chariot to his aboard, the two warriors also seized hurling their weapons at each other. Karna after a long day of not only battling his guru, but also battling his internal self was emotionally tired. And so, with a hopeful gaze he looked at his guru, hoping that this was the first and the last time that he would have to raise his weapons against him.

But as soon as the battle ended for the day,  Bhagwan Parshuram turned his back towards his disciple, and in a strict tone spoke, "Our battle only stopped because of the sunset Radhey, and once the sunrises tomorrow, we will continue from where we're leaving today."

Saying which he walked towards his hut, leaving his disciple alone in the place where they were battling just a few moments ago. 

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