Punishment - 3

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Draupadi then turned to Shakuni and  smirked at his pale face.

A sleepless night and so many strange events made her think a lot, and she realized how all the problems and differences between Pandavas and Kauravas was the doings of Mamashri Shakuni.

She also understood, that if there ever exist any possibility to reunite the family, it could only be done once Shakuni was removed from the equation for good.

Thinking about all this, her attitude became icy and she coldly spoke, "You know Mamashri, from the time I became a member of this family, I always blamed Bhrata Duryodhan, for all the mishaps and troubles in our lives. But all these events and a little introspection made me realize how wrong I was. Bhratashri Duryodhan was always kind, but the poison you filled in him from the childhood, led to him being distant and cold to his own cousins.
but I cannot blame you alone for it, as Bharata Karna said yesterday, the elders of our family also committed some mistakes, and you only took advantage of those mistakes to fulfill your vow."

She further spoke, "But poisoning of Aryaputra Bhima, Varnavrat and yesterday's dayut sabha are unforgivable crimes and not to mention creating drift among these cousins from the childhood. You know Gandhar raj, I really want to give you a death sentence, but since you are the last living relative of mata Gandhari, I can't give the pain of witnessing your death to her.

But having said that, I cannot forgive you either. So, from today onwards, you would be banished from Hastinapur, and you are not allowed to contact anyone from our family. Moreover, because of your brilliant idea of humiliating me in the worst way possible yesterday, you need a grand exit from the kingdom. And for that you would be getting a magnificent ride on the back of a donkey with your face painted as black. I hope you enjoy our hospitality and won't be disappointed with our preparations for your departure.

And yes before I forget, Bhrata Karna would you be so kind to cease Mamashri's Dices and daggers. Those dices need to be destroyed and weapons does not suit in the hands of a coward like you."
Karna stepped forward and held a struggling Shakuni.
He then snatched his dices along with his daggers which were placed in his waist belt.

Karna then handed the dices to Draupadi, and went back to restrain Shakuni.

Draupadi taking the dices in her hands, started moving towards the fire place in the court.

She looked at Shakuni, and smiled at his desperation and struggles. She sweetly spoke, "say bye to your dices mamashri."

Saying that she threw the dices in the fire.

She then ordered the soldiers to lock Shakuni in his chamber, and prepare for his departure tomorrow.

Once Shakuni was dragged out of the court Draupadi finally turned to Yudhishthir.

She was no doubt angry with him, how could she not? The person whom she trusted the most, betrayed her in a very brutal way.

But no matter how much she tried, the pain and guilt on his face also clutched her heart.

In the past years of her marriage, she understood all her husbands, she understood their feelings, their bond and also their insecurities.

She knows how kind hearted Yudhishthir is. She understood that hidden by the calm exterior of her husband is a kid who sacrificed too much for his younger brothers. She knew the amount of pain and guilt he is dealing with because of his actions yesterday.

It was not long before her anger was replaced by sympathy and pity for the man standing in front of her.

But she also knew that the actions which he did yesterday could not be left unpunished. Moreover she knew, this is the only way to make him understand a few things, and help him to get rid of his guilt and pain.

She knew that if it's not done, their bond would never be the same again. And it won't be because she would hold on to any grudge, but because rather he will continue to blame himself and hence they won't be able to move forward.

So stealing her resolve, she spoke, "Arya putra yudhishthir, I am really disappointed with you. I never thought that you could do something like this. You know, I never even thought that you would be the last person who could hurt me, because having such a thought meant that there is still some doubt regarding our relationship. But what now? You broke my tust and heart."

Hearing this Yudhishthir, bowed his head in guilt, and spoke, "I am really sorry Kalyani."

Draupadi almost cried hearing the volume of pain in his voice. She knew it would be hard, but it was really becoming difficult holding back her emotions.

She wanted this to end soon, and so she steeled her resolve once again.

She then spoke, "Arya Putra Yudhishthir, like I said earlier to Bhrata Duryodhan, the punishment is my forgiveness. And I hope you understand the motive behind it too.

The duration for your punishment would be three weeks. Where in the first week you would accompany Bhrata Duryodhan to Virat Kingdom and spend your week doing the chores of a Dasi, then for the next week you would be living among lower cast people of our kingdom and experience their lives and finally in the third week, you would live as a women among the citizens of our kingdom and experience the life of a common women."

I hope you understand the motive behind each week and would try to understand the pain and sufferings of every citizen of our kingdom.

Yudhishthir gave a small nod of his head and accepted his punishment.

Draupadi then turned to the king, thanked him and went back to the balcony where Bhanumati and Gandhari welcomed her with a small smile, whereas Kunti was lost in her own thoughts.

She knew that her sons were guilty, but being a mother, she was very protective about her sons. And thus, she was dealing with a variety of emotions.

Gandhari understood Kunti's internal turmoil, being a mother she knew what emotions Kunti was going through. And hence she spoke, "Kunti, I know what you are feeling. But try to understand it is very important, for not only our family but also our kingdom. If today this issue is not addressed, tomorrow again something similar would happen. And can you imagine how badly would it impact the lives of women and younger men.

Moreover, the punishment is something which is meant to teach a lesson to all our children, so its completely fine and also it's not that we wont see them soon."

Kunti started realizing what Gandhari said was true, and nodded her head.

Soon they heard Dhritrashtra's voice and turned their heads towards him.

Dhritrashtra then spoke, "Putro, you all would have to leave for your Punishment tomorrow morning. And if there are no more issues, which are needed to be resolved then this Sabha is dismissed."

Soon after this everyone left the court and went to their respective chambers.


Author's Note –

Hey everyone

Sorry for the Delay. But I cannot do anything, as my assignments are making my schedule really hectic.

Hence the frequency of my updates would be a little slower.

But leaving the sad talks aside, please don't forget to share your views in the comments. I really enjoy reading them and knowing your views and opinions about the story.
You can also share some ideas and thoughts of how you want the story to go.

And also, don't forget to vote.

Thanks and see you later.

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