Some more conversations

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As soon as Karna Reached his home. He stealthily went behind his mother and covered her eyes with his hands. And changed his voice and spoke, " You are being kidnapped, don't try to resist."

As soon as Radha felt the hands on her eyes, she realised who the person was and smiled.

She turned around and hugged Karna. Karna felt peace and security in his mother's embrace.

as soon as they broke the hug, Radha twisted Karna's ears and spoke, "finally someone turned up to meet his poor mother. When was the last time you came to meet me."

Karna chuckled in pain and said, " I am sorry Radha ma, duties of being a king kept me very busy. But don't worry I am not going any where soon."

Radha got confused, "what do you mean?"

Karna said," I have relinquished the thrown and now I am no longer the king of Anga. I would be sending a letter to Vrushali in the morning and would ask her to come here with Vrishseina by tomorrow.

Radha was confused and asked what happened Putra. To this karna replied, "Ma until I am indebted to mitra, I am bound to stand by his side without questioning his actions. But as I am free from the debt now, I can not only guide him towards the right path, but also be a true friend to him."

Radha became happy and said, its good Putra, I know you will show him the right path."

Back in the palace

In Duryodhan's chamber -

Duryodhan was deeply immersed in his own thoughts.

Soon he felt a hand on his shoulder and he looked up.

Duryodhan saw his wife standing beside him.

He moved his gaze away from her beautiful face, and looked down.

There was silence in the room for a few minutes, and then he spoke in a shaky voice

"You know priye, when we all were kids. Bheem used to hurt my younger brothers, he used to hurt them so bad. And since I was week at that time, I was never able to stop him. I went to pitamaha, kakashri and even pitashri. But they ignored me and told me to help them to settle down in the palace. So, I went to mamashri, and you know what, he heard me, he heard my problem. He gave me a bowl of kheer and said, give it to bheem and after that he will never hurt your younger brothers. I never knew, there was poison in it. I was barely 11 or 12 years old, and I obeyed him without questioning.

At the time when yudhishthir was the yuvraj. I was angry, but trust me I never thought of killing the pandavas. It was all planned by mamashri. When I came to know about what mamashri had planned, it was too late. But still I confronted him, but he convinced me with his words. And I trusted him. How could I not trust the one person who never ignored me.

But today, I feel so hollow priye. How did I became this blind for my revenge?"

Saying all this, tears fell from his eyes.

Bhanumati sat beside him and cupped his face. She wiped his tears with the pads of her thumbs.

She then gently spoke. "Don't beat yourself on what has happened. You cannot change the past, so let it go. But learn the lessons from your past mistakes and try not to repeat them.

You know when I heard what was happening in the court, initially I was really angry. Angry at how you could be a part of such a heinous crime. But when I heard about your past, I realised it was not completely your fault. You trusted someone who was there for you, even if it was for his selfish reasons.

But even after that I was upset with you. How could you become so heartless? A person who had such love and respect in his heart, that after abducting me, he fell at my feet for forgiveness, and tried his best to express his love and win my heart. When he could have just claimed his rights as a husband without caring for my feelings.

But I am relieved now. I have not lost my husband today. And I must thank sakha for it. He stopped you from selling your soul for revenge, and kept my husband's humanity intact."

And she smiled and spoke again, "And Arya forget about the past, forget about all those painful memories. That horrible time has passed, and now there are people who deeply care about  you. I am always there for you, and so is sakha. We just want you to be happy and walk the right path."

Listening this Duryodhan broke down, and hugged Bhanumati tightly. 

And spoke, " I am sorry priye, I am really sorry for hurting you. Would you forgive this stupid husband of yours please, I would do anything for your forgiveness. You and Karna are the only lights in this darkness, which is my life. Hurting or disappointing any of you is worst for me then a life filled of tortures.

Just forgive me for the last time. And I promise, I would rather die and burn in hell, then hurting you ever again.

Bhanumati suddenly kept a hand on his lips and spoke in a shaky voice, "Arya why are you hurting me now by talking about your death."

And they both felt into the blissful slumber in each others embrace and warmth.

Somewhere else in the palace

7 people were sitting in Rajmata kunti's chamber. A deep discussion was going on between all the people in the chamber.

Bhima spoke, "Jyesht we have lost every thing we owned in this cursed game of dice. "

Everyone was troubled because of this reason. A day before they were the royals of Indraprastha, but the entire world changed for them as they were now mere commoners.

Draupadi bitterly spoke, "And whose fault is it. Thanks to bhratashri at least we are standing here as commoners and not enslaved by your cousins. "

To this Yudhishthir bowed his head in guilt.

Arjuna was confused as Draupadi only called Dhrishtadhyum as her bhratashri, and he was not present in the court. So, he asked, "Whom are you referring to as your Bhratashri Panchali?"

To this question Draupadi simply replied, "The one who defended me today in the court, when all of you instead of helping me , bowed down and cried."

Listening this Bhima shouted, "That Sutputra! from when did that Sutputra became your bhrata"

To which Draupadi got furious and spoke, "from the time when he defended me, when it was your responsibility to protect my honour and dignity.

Listening to this argument, a distressed Kunti got enraged and shouted SILENCE YOU ALL.

She then spoke, "the one you are insulting Bhima, is the only person because of whom you are standing here freely. And did I raise you like this to insult others on the basis of their cast."

To this Bhima lowered his head in shame.

Kunti then composed herself and spoke, "There is no point in arguing now. The only thing we can do is to hope that everything goes well in tomorrow's sabha. "
saying that she asked them to retire for the day, and pray for a better tomorrow.


Far away in Dwarika, a person who was playing an enchanting melody suddenly stopped and said. "Bua the tides have changed and who knows what the future has in store for us. But whatever happens, it will definitely be interesting."

Saying that he smiled and continued playing the melody.


Author's note –

Dear readers, here is the new chapter.

I hope you are liking the story.

And would request you to kindly share your reviews in comments.

Also, I won't be able to post any new chapters before next Saturday.
Have some assignments to complete.

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