Calm before the termoil

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Next day

It has been almost six days since the battle between Karna and his Guru had commenced. Looking outside her window from within the humble abode of her in laws, she saw the sun peaking out from behind the hills at some distance.

As she saw the rays of the sun lord bringing light into this world and vanquishing the darkness, she wondered about her husband. Looking at the dawn replacing the night, she could clearly imagine her husband on the banks of the river offering his prayers to his favourite deity right at this moment.

Thinking about Karna, she felt an ache in her heart. She wondered how her husband would be feeling right now? What turmoil would be going through his heart preparing himself for another day of battlling against the man he saw as a paternal figure in his life?

As her gaze remained fixated at the small yellow orb peeping from behind the hills, she felt the ache in her heart growing. She felt like something was not good about today. This feeling she had, it was similar to the one she had a few days ago, but stronger, and she was apprehensive of what this could mean.

Sighing, she turned her gaze away from the surreal sight of the rising sun.

Deciding to take her mind off her spiralling thoughts and feelings, she thought of focusing on something else, and hence she began to walk towards the door of her chamber intending to start an early day. Stepping out of her chamber, she began to head towards the kitchen to grab some water to drink first.

As she reached her destination, she noticed her mother in law Radha in the kitchen already. Seeing which Vrushali stepped forward, and in a soft tone spoke, "Ma, what are you doing up so early?"

Hearing the voice, Radha turned around and with a gentle smile replied to her daughter in law, "nothing my dear, just thought of starting my day a bit early today. I was just planning to start with cleaning the kitchen. By the way, what got you up so early?"

Hearing the question Vrushali stepped near the pot, and taking a glass of water she gulped it down before turning her gaze back to her mother in law and spoke, "I was just thinking about Radhey, Ma. And well.... " At this she trailed off.

But being a mother, Radha understood everything from her facial expressions alone. Stepping towards Vrushali, Radha gently caressed her cheek and spoke, "My dear, I don't know what's bothering you so much. I have been observing how for the past few days you are not yourself, like something is pressing on your heart and soul. You know, you can share it with me. You are my daughter too."

Hearing these words Vrushali gulped. What could she tell Radha ma?

Looking into the eyes of the older woman, Vrushali thought to herself, "I am sorry ma, but I can't tell you what's happening. If it is hard for me to digest and accept, I don't know how you would take it."

But at that moment it struck her like a physical blow. If she knowing the truth now, the truth of her husband's curses and current situation, didn't want to share it with her mother in law so as to not give her the pain and burden of the truth, how could she expect Karna to want to share his burden with her or anyone else for that matter.

at that she gulped her emotions down, which made her understand the man her husband was, even better then she thought she knew him before.

And hence with a forced smile she spoke, "nothing ma, everything is fine. I am just missing Radhey, that's all."

At this Radha sighed, and spoke, "my dear, don't lie to me. If you don't want to tell the reason behind what's bothering you, that is fine. I won't force you to tell me anything. But know this, I am not just your mother in law, but your mother too. And so, I will always be here to listen to you, and share in your burdens."

At this Vrushali felt a lump in her throat, and nodded to her words.

But before any one of them could say anything else, they heard a knock on the door. At this Radha blinked and spoke to herself, "Who came to our home this early?"

Saying which she began to walk to see who is there at their door at this time of the morning, while gesturing for Vrushali to wait for a minute.

Opening the door, she saw a soldier, who bowed and spoke, "I'm sorry Devi Radha, for disturbing this early in the morning. But Yuvrani Bhanumati had send me. She had asked me to tell Devi Vrushali, that her presence is immediately needed in the palace as per the instruction of Devarshi."

At this Radha nodded at the soldier with a smile, and spoke, "It's fine my boy, you didn't disturb anyone. wait here for a minute, I will just inform Vrushali about your message."

Saying which Radha turned around and walked to the kitchen. Seeing Vrushali still there drinking another glass of water, she spoke, "My dear, Bhanumati has sent a soldier to take you to the palace. Devarshi has requested your presence."

At this Vrushali raised an eyebrow. She thought how in the past few days they have been gathering in the court to witness the battle after the sun has completely risen, since it is during that time when Karna and his guru began their dual.

And hence she wondered what could be the reason for asking her to come this early?

But knowing only Devarshi would know the answer, Vrushali replied to her mother in law, "Ma, please tell the soldier to wait for a few minutes, I just need to get a few things, and then I will be ready to leave with him to the palace.

After some time

As the chariot moved through the streets of Hastinapur, Vrushali thoughts drifted back to the thoughts and feelings from the morning, and her mind started to connect imaginary dots between what she was feeling and Devarshi's unexpected summon of her.

She remembered Devarshi's words from a few days ago of how nothing happens without any reason, not even feeling a certain way.

And so she wondered, what more pages of this turbulent future are still to unravel in front of her now.

As soon as she reached the palace, she stepped off the chariot, and the soldier who had accompanied her here spoke, "Devi Vrushali, please go to the royal court. While Yuvrani had sent me to bring you here, she had instructed me to also let you know how everyone would be waiting for you in the court itself."

Vrushali at this nodded at the soldier, and with a smile which didn't reach her eyes, she spoke, "Dhanyavad Mahoday, you can leave now."

At this the soldier nodded, and left from there to fulfil his other duties. While Vrushali began to walk through the corridors of the palace, and navigating her way to the royal court. As she walked, she wondered where Duryodhan and Ashwaththama would be right now. Would they have reached Mahindragiri? Or would they still be journeying to reach there?

Thinking about which a subtle unease crept within her. She didn't know what turn their fate is going to take now, and hence all she could do is pray to the all mighty for the safety of her husband, and those two idiots whom she saw as her younger brothers.

Reaching the court, she entered, and noticed how everyone was already present there. As she went to the balcony and sat in between Bhanumati and Draupadi, she looked at Bhanumati and spoke, "Why did you call me this early? Doesn't the battle start in an hour from now?"

At this Bhanumati looked at her and shrugged with a confused look as well, and spoke, "Jiji, I honestly don't know. I woke up when my chief maid Supriya had entered my chambers and woke me up early today. She said that while she was in the lawns tending to my garden, she saw Devarshi appear in front of her. She spoke of how Devarshi asked her to come to me, and inform me to arrange the court early today. He also instructed Supriya to tell me to summon him, as soon as everyone is assembled."

Bhanumati after glancing over all the occupants of the court continued to speak to Vrushali, "But since everyone is here now, we can simply summon Devarshi and ask why we have been gathered early today."

Saying which Bhanumati took out a pearl. Crushing it in her hands, she chanted a mantra. And soon that bright light appeared in the middle of the court, which dissappeared after a moment to reveal Devarshi now standing in the center of the court, with his trade mark, "Narayan! Narayan!" reverberating through the walls of the court.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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