Bitter Truth

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Dhritrashtra, hearing Karna's words asked him angrily, "What do you mean by saying that someone should be there for Duryodhan unconditionally. Aren't we, his family members, always there for him."

Hearing this, Karna bursts out laughing uncontrollably.

Everyone stood there dumbfounded to his reaction.

Soon he controlled his laughter and spoke.

"HaHaHa that was a good one, please tell me that joke again when I am feeling stressed. That would surely make me laugh every time I hear it."

Getting serious, he said, "if you really believe in what you just spoke, then you need to come out of the fairy land you are living in. "

"Okay let me clarify for you –

First when Mitra Duryodhan was born, it was a stormy night, and what did our dear Vidhur kakashri say. Oh wait, I know this one, he said that Duryodhan is a bad omen and he should be killed immediately.

It was only because Maharaj and Maharani objected, that you did not kill him.
But, then you got a great idea of hurting a child by depriving him of love and care.

And thus, while he was growing up, everyone of you ignored not only him but other Kauravas too, and treated Pandavas with love and affection. What do you think happened to those ignored children, Oh wait, I know this one too, they began hating Pandavas, as they believed that Pandavas were the reason of them being ignored.

From the very first thing he remembers, he was told that he is destined to be the king of Hastinapur. But when Pandavas returned from the Forrest, you suddenly proclaimed that Yudhishthir, would be the new king.
Now a person who had nothing to live for, as life with no love and being ignored is already a hell. But you add cherry to the cake, by even taking away the only goal he had, which was to serve his subjects, and to earn the love of at least the citizens of his kingdom.

And Maharaj, I know that you were not a part of all this. But you were so engrossed in your royal duties , that you did not have time for your own son. And thus overlooked his treatment in the family and forced him to suffer all alone.

And you know what the sad part is, that the child had 99 younger brothers and 1 younger sister. For whom he had to be strong and  try to shield them from all the pain.

And that's what he did, he showered them with all his love and affection, but tolerated all the pain and sufferings alone.

Bearing all the hardships, and suffering all the pain alone.  Tell me, What did you expect the outcome of it would be?

Honestly if he has turned evil, its all yourfault Mahamahim, Kakashri Vidhur and maharaj. Because as far as I know no one is born evil. It's the upbringing and the environment which makes the difference. And according to me, you are the people who sowed all the seeds of hatredamong these brothers.

And Finally comes our dear Gandhar Raj, the one who swore to destroy the Kuru lineage,for his revenge against Mahamahim. You all simply made his task even simpler, as now he only had to use the hatred you sowed in Mitra from childhood. Which he used exceptionally well.

In this family some hate my mitra, some don't care about him and some are trying to use him like a pawn.

The only once whom I can say cared about him are his younger brothers, his little sister and his mother. But being the older brother, he needed to be strong for them, and take care of his mother too since she had blind folded herself to feel your pain, Maharaj.

So, now tell me Maharaj, what wrong did I say?"

Author's Note

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