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Today we are going clubbing. It's a tradition with my friends. We go clubbing every once in a while. We just love partying and partying loves us. We are your typical varsity students who studies hard during the week and party hard during the weekend. I am pretty sure if my father were to hear what we get up to during the weekend, he would force us to transfer to UKZN immediately because wow.

Nomalanga, my best friend, is part of the SRC. She is the Deputy President. She stays in a flat so we stay with her together with my other friend Lindelwa. Nomalanga is doing her second year in law. She is so invested in politics but I love the fact that she hasn't forgotten what she came here for plus she also has time for her friends.

Lindelwa on the other hand is doing her second year in Psychology. I am doing my second year in Architecture. We met last year during orientation and we just clicked from the word go. We were staying at a communal last year. This year we chose to stay together in Noma's flat. We were all funded by TEFSA but last year, my lecturer Professor Hlongwa advised me to apply for a bursary from his company which pays for everything and the allowance is also high.

So I applied and was granted for it. As repayment, I have to work for at least 4 years in his company and I don’t mind because it guarantees employment for me after varsity.

I have been having many thoughts about having a company to such an extent that I started saving 50% of my allowance for Capital for my company. I am pretty sure it would be huge when I am finished with varsity. It will be tangible. By then I will invest it for 5 fixed years.

Lee gets in our flat carrying a kota and a guy follows behind carrying 2. It's her boyfriend or whatever he is. You can never be sure with Lee. Anyways he greets and places the kotas on the table. He then heads out.

Lee: “tase what's up?”
Me: “we are going out for a few drinks tonight and then we will come back early or I will come back early because I have to go to my department tomorrow morning. I have an assignment that I should do.”

Lee: “okay then. Few drinks and then we come back. I suggest we just go straight to the Smirnoff so that we can get drunk early and come back.” I laugh.

Me: “sounds like a plan.” I take one kota and start munching on it. I pour some juice from the fridge and sit down. “This us good. You bought it from Sis Love?”

Lee: “actually Omega is the one who bought them.” Omega is the guy who was accompanying her. I just laugh.
Me: “poor guy.” She rolls her eyes.

Lee: “drama Futhy.” Noma gets in and places her books on the table. She also takes a kota and sits down. She starts eating. She takes the juice and downs it.
Me: “long day huh?”

Noma: “students can be very tiring tase. Some just stare at you and hope that you will miraculously make their problems disappear.” I chuckle.

Me: “you made your bed. Now lie in it.”
Noma: “I just need a drink nje. Even if it's a stiff.”

Lee: “we are going out tonight but we will come back early because we have a busy day tomorrow.”
Noma: “I have no problem with that.”
We shower and then change our clothes. We take our phones, bags and head to the nearest pub which is a 10 minutes walking distance just outside the gate. Varsity life is the best.

Night time is just like day time. Students are walking up and down and have no care in the world. We get to the pub and find it full. Luckily Omega is here with his friends. So we just buy our bottle, six pack of Savannah with a dash and then join him in their table.

We drink and dance the night away. Right after midnight we tell the guys we are leaving. They volunteer to walk us to our res. We walk there while talking and singing loudly. They turn back after seeing that we are inside our building. We get to our room and Lee just plays some music on her E250. We are all pretty drunk right now.

Noma: “I am going to have one of the biggest law firms in Mzansi and I want my name to be known out there. I want people to fear and respect me. I want them to be like ‘yoh that Advocate Nkosi is a bulldozer.' Yeah that’s me in 6 years batase.” She burps.

Lee: “I wanna do my PhD and Masters after completing my degree. I don’t care if my real parents won't be proud of me. I mean who needs them when I have Ndosi omkhulu and Jabu as my parents?” her parents and Noma's parents are just absent parents. My parents took over the role of parenting them last year.

Me: “batase listen.” I say while taking off my sneakers. “everything is possible when I have a support system like yours so I am going to start a huge company and I will name it Dubandlela Company. You know my bursary pays 3k so I have been saving 1.5k every month.” I take the comforter from my single bed and stretch it on the floor. I take off the rest of my clothes and sit down.

“I already have 36k in my bank account minus interest  I know Prof. Hlongwa is going to give me an internship. When I start working I am going to continue saving. I am telling you within 6 years, I am going to start my company.”

Noma: “cheers to success tase.”
Lee: “I want us to never stop being friends. Let success not separate us but brings us even closer.”

Me: “we should definitely pray on that but when we are sober.” We all laugh.

From The Past Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora