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Mihle got a notification from her phone that Mabutho is in danger. She took her gun from her side drawer, put in in her waist, put on her sneakers and rushed to her father’s study. She found him sitting with her siblings. They stood up when they saw because the look on her face showed that something was wrong.

Mr Nzama: “what is wrong Mimi?”
Mihle: “dad it’s Butho. He is in danger. He sent a notice from his watch. I think he is at Mabongi’s home.”
Nsizwa: “I am going to kill that bitch.” they all geared up and walked out.

Nkosikhona: “wait. That is a family of cops. What are we going to do when we get there? We can’t do something that will incriminate us. What if there are kids in the bedrooms? We don’t kill kids.”
Mr Nzama: “we will just get your brother and get out.”

Nsizwa: “that’s bullshit dad. What about Mabongi and her parents? They probably held him captive. We can’t just let them go.”
Mr Nzama: “what’s important now is getting your brother. We will deal with the rest later.” He huffed and looked outside the window as the car sped off.

They arrived at Mabongi’s homestead. Mihle looked at the tracker’s location on her tablet which she snatched from her father’s office.
Mihle: “it looks like he is in the basement.”
Nsizwa: “baba I swear to God if they are torturing him, I will forget they are cops and murder each and every one of them.”

Mr Nzama: “calm down son.” He was trying to be strong. Truth be told he was not doing well. He wanted to slaughter each and every family member of the Kunene family. He was breathing fire inside but he tried to mask his anger so that his kids don’t copy his actions and act irrationally when faced with times like these.

They went inside and there was no one in the lounge. They followed Mihle who led them down the hallway to a case of stairs that were going down. They tiptoed their way to the basement and when Mr Nzama saw who had his son he chuckled.

Ndoda: “you have got to be fucking kidding me. Kunene you have the guts to kidnap my son and torture him. You have clearly forgotten who I am neh?”

Mabongi’s parents froze when they saw Ndoda in their basement. They thought they would just force the truth out of Mabutho and let him go. They didn’t know that Ndoda will catch them before they got any further.

Mabongi swallowed hard looking at the Nzama family. Truth is she really fell for Mabutho. It’s just that family comes first. But her family chose to mess with the wrong family and here they were now. She quickly untied Mabutho.

Kunene: “what the fuck are you doing Mabongi?”
Mabongi: “I am letting him go. Baba we have no choice. There is 4 of them and three of us. Who knows maybe there is more upstairs hurting the kids? It’s over. Let it go.” She helped Mabutho up. He just looked at her and shook his head. “I am sorry Mabutho.”

Mabutho: “I don’t wanna talk to you or ever see you again. I will have people deliver all your stuff that is in my house.” He walked to where his family was standing.

Nkosikhona: “I wonder how the press will feel about this. Former detective kidnaped an innocent civilian and tortures his delusional theories out of him. They will have a field day with this. That’s how we are going to avenge this little stunt you just pulled and don’t worry. I got all the evidence I need.”

Ndoda just clicked his tongue and shook his head. He took Mabutho’s arm and put it over his shoulder. He then walked out with him. Mihle and Nkosikhona followed. Nsizwa stayed behind and looked at all of them. He took his gun from his waist and pointed at them. He cocked it and made a bam sound. They all screamed. He just laughed.

Nsizwa: “consider yourselves warned. Never in your miserable lives think that going after the Nzama family is a good idea. Next time you won’t be this lucky. Your ancestors are strong. Better appease and thank that for this mercy that has been brought upon you.” he looked at them one more time and also left. Kunene turned and looked at Mabongi.

Kunene: “I thought you made sure to check if there were any trackers in his body.” He said with his tone full of anger.
Mabongi: “really baba? We just survived the wrath of the Nzama family and that’s all you have to say? People were right. You really are obsessed with Ndoda. Now your obsession has cost me the love of my life. I hope you are happy with yourself.” She wiped her tears and walked out.

Kunene: “coward.” His wife just rolled her eyes and also walked out.
Mabongi left the country that week and never came back. Rumour has it she joined the army in Russia. Maybe she will come back to South Africa in the near future. Nobody knows what the future holds.

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