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I have always been jealous of my sister Futhy. Always. She came 2 years of my birth. I didn’t even enjoy my parents’ love because of her. Couldn’t she wait maybe 5 years in order to come? I was compelled to step up and be a big sister. To make matters worse, she became this perfect big individual.

Sure my parents tried to show us equal love but to a person studying them carefully, you could see that their favourite child was Futhy followed by their first son Lele. I hated Futhy from the first time I got to understand that I had a younger sibling.

Her being chubby actually comforted me. It showed that she cannot be the perfect child anymore. She had flaws, many of them. Number one flaw being her weight. She struggled with accepting who she was and was even bullied in school from primary to high school and that brought so much joy in my heart.

We attended the same primary school and high school but I made sure I was never seen with her. People knew her as my sister but I didn’t want us to hang out together. That would’ve been gross. She couldn’t even make friends. Her only friends were teachers because she was a ‘bright learner’.

Today was the most torturous day of my life. It was the matric results day for Futhy. Everyone was excited at home. Even the 6 year old Gcino. 2 years ago they were also excited about my results but I don’t think they were this happy. I got D and I didn’t care about furthering my studies because my parents have money, I didn’t need to make one.

We were woken up by an ululation. Did mom have to be this dramatic? The fatty was already accepted in so many universities. I wish she wasn’t as bright as she is. Now she will be moving out and spreading her wings high and actually raising the Cele flag higher than it already is. I got up from the bed and went to the lounge where mom was holding the newspaper in her hands.

Futhy: “what is it mom?” she asked dragging her fat self to the lounge. The rest of the minions followed right after her. I had a bond with Thando because I felt like she could understand me, even though she was 9.

Mom: “Lwandlelethu you got all the distinctions baby. OMG! You are going to Wits.” She said jumping up and down. Futhy froze.
Lele: “sisi.” He screamed and ran to her. He hugged her and Gcino followed. Both of them tackled her down. These kids were strong. Imagine bringing down a whale like Futhy. She giggled and hugged them back. Thando also joined in on the fun.

Me: “congratulations Futhy.” She looked at me and smiled.
Futhy: “thank you big sis.” I turned around and headed back to my room. I was fuming inside. Why did she have to embarrass me like that? Her results were a punch in the guts for me because it showed me just how she would always win. I needed to get out of this house ASAP.

Mom: “go bath so that we can fetch your certificate.” I heard mom saying as I was walking towards my room.
Futhy: “where is dad?”

Mom: “he had some things to take care of but he will meet us after we come back from your school.” I knew dad had something planned for her. I just huffed.

I got into my room and cleaned it. When I was done, I showered and wore my blue boobtube bubble dress with silver gladiators. I brushed my straight back and put on Ponds’ in my face. I also put on a lipstick and took my silver bag. I went out and no one was in sight, meaning they were gone.

I walked to the taxi rank and caught a taxi to town. When I got there I first did some window shopping. Then I ended up in a Shisanyama. I ordered some meat and drinks. My drinks were brought to my table. I could call my friends and tell them to come here but I just wanted to be alone.

While drowning in my sorrows, a fine gentleman came from the back shirtless with jeans and an apron around his waist. He was carrying a tray of meat. He looked so yummy and most ladies were drooling over him. Well I am part of the ‘most’ because I was also drooling, I couldn’t even see that he was right in front of me.

Guy: “your order miss.” I quickly snapped out of it and looked at him with a smile. He placed the tray in front of me.
Me: “thank you.”
Guy: “anything for a beautiful lady like you.” I giggled.

Me: “well I am sure it would be rude of you to let a beautiful lady dine on her own. Join me.” He chuckled.
Guy: “in case you haven’t noticed, I am working miss beautiful.” I laughed. “Your laughter, wow.” I stopped laughing.
Me: “what is it?”

Guy: “nothing. Let me just go tell my boss that I will be dining with you.” He left and came back after a few seconds without an apron and his t-shirt hanging in his left shoulder. He sat opposite me. “I am Masimbonge Dumakude by the way. And what is your name miss beautiful?” I chuckled.

Me: “Busisiwe Cele.”
Masimbonge: “soon to be Dumakude.” He boasted with pride. I just laughed.
We talked about a lot of things and drank. It was just so much fun hanging out with him. I was so wasted that I knew going back home like this would land me in hot waters. And I am sure dad wouldn’t want me spoiling whatever party he had planned for his perfect princess.

Masimbonge held my hand and I stood up. We made our way outside the Shisanyama. The sun was still up. I quickly let go of his hand like something was shocking me when I saw dad climbing out of his car and walking straight to us.

Me: “daddy.” I said in a whisper. Dad was such a loving parent but if you did something wrong, just know that he would whip you like crazy and then comfort you later.

Me: “don’t do anything to him. He was about to drive me home.”

Dad: “how long have you known him?” I blinked many times. Within a few seconds Masimbonge was down. OMG dad had punched him. Poor guy. He grabbed my upper arm and dragged me to the car. He opened the door for me and shoved me inside. He then banged it close and climbed in on his side. “I don’t even know what to say Busisiwe. You defeat me.” He said and started the car.

His last sentence broke me because that meant he was slight giving up on me. I was just glad that I got to forget about my problems for a few hours and met a new friend, possible boyfriend. Luckily we exchanged numbers so if he was genuine, he would call me even after receiving that punch.

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