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Today is one of the happiest days in my life. I am finally graduating for my first qualification. Last year Noma and I decided we won't our Masters just yet but do second qualifications which is a diploma in Engineering.

Lee is the one who will be doing her Honours and Masters soon. I started working for Hlongwa Architects on January which means I will be doing my diploma part time. Noma also got hired at this law firm to do her articles.

I got back home three days back to prepare for my graduation. My family is very excited although I think my elder sister Busi is not so happy about this.

My younger brother Sibulele is over the moon about going to Joburg. We are now already in the way. I am graduating on the second session so we are not late.

We get to Braamfontein and first go to my flat. Mom does my make-up and fixes my fringe hairstyle. I get dressed in my gold silky evening dress and brown wedges.

I also pair the wedges with a brown purse. My mom helps me with the graduation grown and hat. We head outside the flat and take pictures. The photographer was hired by dad, so he is taking a lot of pictures.

Dad: “you look so beautiful baby. I am so proud of you.” He side hugs me and I smile.
Mom: “I am also proud of you. I am so happy it's like I am the one who is graduating.” We laugh.

We head to the campus to the graduation hall and find it crowded. My friends spot me and come to where we are at. We exchange greetings and hugs. They also greet my parents. Time comes and we head inside and take our respective seats.

The ceremony starts and speeches are made. Time comes for us to receive our certificates. I am one of the people at the beginning because my surname starts with C.

The presenter of certificates calls out my name. I hear mom's ululations and dad's whistle accompanied by Sbu's screams. My friends are also screaming top of their lungs. I smile and go take my rightful certificate.

I smile widely as I spot my boyfriend Sabelo on my way back to my seat. We started dating when I was doing my third year. He is a very cool guy and down to earth but he can be a bit controlling sometimes.

He works in his father's company and has a house here in Braamfontein. He winks at me and I blush and take my seat.

Top achievers are called from each department. When they announce that number 2 from the Architecture department is Nqobile Mthiyane I just smile and cheer for her. She is always competing with me while I have no problem with her.

She is driven by a lot of jealousy it actually clouds her eyes from realising how much potential she has. The presenter calls my name as the highest achiever and recipient of a brand new laptop and drawing equipment. I just shed tears of joy and rush to the front to collect my prizes.

Varsity students will tell you this. Varsity life is one of the hardest stages in life. Inside campus walls that’s where you find yourself sometimes you lose yourself. Sometimes you forget what you came here for. Sometimes you find it too hard and just calls it quit.

Varsity is very hard which is why I applaud everyone who have managed to complete their qualification and bring it home. That's a big achievement on its own and it deserves to be celebrated.

The ceremony comes to an end and I go take a few pictures with my lecturers and Dean of students and HOD from our department. I am also instructed to take a picture with the Chancellor which is such an honour and a privilege.

When I am done, I see my friends and hand them my prizes so that I can go look for Sabelo because I know once I am out, my parents will want us to go straight home. I find him talking to a few gentlemen. He notices me and smiles.

Sabelo: “my precious gem.” I smile widely. He hugs me and perks my lips.

He always shows affection in front of people so I have gotten used to it. I swear he grew up in suburbs because shit like this in Durban never happens. People will stare at you like you're some kind of an alien just because you kissed in public.

Me: “I have to rush home.”
Sabelo: “I have a surprise for you when you come back.”
Me: “can you give it to me now?” I ask in a small voice and he laughs.

Sabelo: “it's a surprise my love. I am telling you now because I know it will encourage you to come back earlier.”
Me: “you're cruel.”

Sabelo: “says the minister of cruelty.” I laugh.
Me: “you know you will get my kuku after umemulo so stop whining.”
Sabelo: “I should come like an ordinary person or a colleague in this event?”
Me: “yes."

Sabelo: “why don't you want to show me off? Am I that ugly?” yoh he is a very handsome man and I would love to show him off but my dad would probably skin us both alive.

Me: “you're handsome baby. It's just that showing you off will put pressure on you and people will expect lobola soon which is something we both are not ready for. So let's not rush things.” He grunts.

Sabelo: “okay.” He pulls me closer to him and gives me a deep kiss. We then say our goodbyes and I head outside to look for my family.

Dad: “I was about to send a search party for you?” he says from behind me and I laugh and turn to stare at him. He is standing with Prof Hlongwa. His wife is a few feet away from us with mom.

Me: “my two favourite men in the whole world.”
Dad: “we better be the only ones.”
Hlongwa: “speak for yourself. Mina I want grandkids.” Dad gives him a death stare and laughs. “Let the child explore.”

Dad: “after she is 25.”
Hlongwa: “you see, I tried my child." I just laugh. I know if he were to find out about Sabelo, he would just die of a heart attack. But nonetheless I love him with excessive protective side and I wouldn't trade him for anything.

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