Chapter 7

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Futhy: “I am really not feeling this trip of yours guys but have fun. Beware of anything and please drive carefully.” She says for the hundredth time. Lee rolls her eyes and I giggle.

Me: “tase calmed down. We have prayed about this like a thousand times. The lord is with us. Nothing is going to happen to us.”

Lee and I are going to this party a block mate of ours was hosting. It is in her hometown but not far from the campus. I am going to be driving our car. Yes we have a car. A small Toyota Tazz which Ndosi omkhulu helped us purchase.

He said and I quote ‘you are my girls and I don’t want you getting lifts or using public transport. It’s not safe out there.’ It has been 2 years since he legally adopted Lee and me and life has been really great. I thought maybe he had some crazy ulterior motives for adopting us but I guess he is just kind hearted and loving like her crazy daughter which is my best friend slash adoptive sister.

Well concerning Futhy’s worry about this trip, she had a dream of us being in an accident. She believes that her dreams are like visions or warnings. Whenever she has some dream like this, it means that something like this or close to this might happen. That’s why she is worried.

Lee: “let’s go and have fun and leave you to nurse whatever you’re nursing.”
Futhy: “my spiritual heart.” We laugh at her.
Me: “see you soon tase and will bring back goodies.” She smiles and I kiss her cheek. Lee kisses her lips and we head out.

We get to the parking lot and climb inside the car. Lee inserts Dj Cleo’s CD as soon as I drive out of the parking lot and we start jamming. We get to the party and I park outside. We climb off the car and head inside the house.

Wenzile: “the wonder twins. Where is your triplet?” Wenzile is a charmer which most girls in our campus love. He is in politics. He likes Futhy but Futhy made a vow to never date a politician because they are serial cheaters.

Lee: “she has the flue. Now can we get something to drink?”
Wenzile: “coming right up. Ladies are inside the kitchen while the gents are outside still braaing the meat. As soon as everything is done, we will join you.”

Me: “we will find our way to the kitchen.” We head inside the house and go to the kitchen. We pass by the lounge which is full of people drinking and smoking. This surely looks like those American house parties. We get to the kitchen and the ladies greet us with such enthusiasm.

Linani: “where is your other third?” we all laugh. She is the one who is the host.
Me: “sick but she did pass her regards.”
Linani: “at least we got a part of the musketeers.”

Wenzile: “yes, now let’s get this party started.” He says coming in with two bottles of cold Savannah. We take and open them.

A few hours later, we are full and drunk. But luckily I didn’t drink too much since I remembered I am driving. I go in search for Lee who went to the backyard for some fresh air. I find her exchanging split with Alwande, the SRC President. She doesn’t like him and she said she will never sleep with him. She just loves the take of his lips. Lee though.

Me: “tase.” She turns and smiles when she sees me. She kisses him for a few seconds and then jumps off his lap.

Lee: “see you lover boy.” She winks at him and walks to me. “Let’s go tase.” I just laugh and shake my head. She seems super drunk right now. We go to the car. I text Futhy informing her that we are on our way. She warns us to be careful. I place my phone down and start the car after strapping in.

Me: “you still don’t wanna give Alwande a chance?” well I have been in the SRC and I am politically active so these student politicians are all my friends.

Lee: “tase please. He is a damn player.”
Me: “the actual opposite. He broke up with his baby mama and he is just not dating anyone right now. But he could date you.”
Lee: “and then get killed by Ndosi omkhulu. No thanks.” I laugh.

That man can be strict sometimes. I stop at the traffic light as Beyoncé Diva comes on. We sing along and the traffic light goes green. I start the car and out of nowhere, a speeding car collides with our car, sending it straight to the bus on the other side of the robot.

We scream as I lose control of the wheel. I hear that zing sound on my ears as my body lose its weight. Lee screams as I feel myself sinking into darkness.

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