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I have been looking for a job ever since I graduated. It’s been a year now and I have not been lucky. Being a female architect in South Africa is hard because if your talent is not recognized by men with companies, then chances of you succeeding in this career are slim to none.

Well there is this one lady in Durban. She started her company two years ago. Most people respect her work and intelligence but men will always be men and will always look for ways to bring her down. In this industry, it’s not women that pull you down, but it’s men.

This lady is phenomenal. She is not afraid to do some ground work. One day you will find her in her office, doing sketches and the next day you will find her on site helping the construction workers. She is a boss but she respects every employee from the cleaners to the accountants. She is just humble.

Well I am lucky because I scored myself an interview in her company, Dubandlela Construction Company. It’s a company with three divisions. Architecture, Construction and Designing but its main focus is on architecture. I heard that the CEO Ntombifuthi Cele is looking for a personal assistant. She has never had one before. I also have no experience in the assisting role, I only know architecture but I know that once I’m in DCC, one day I will find myself being one of the best architects in there.

I get dressed in dusty pink pants, white shirt and black pumps. I take my bag and go to the kitchen. I find my mom dishing porridge.

Mom: “you can’t go to an interview hungry. What if you faint during it?” I chuckle.
Me: “fine. I will eat.” I eat a few spoons and then rush out.

I get to the taxi rank and ride a taxi to town. When I get to town, I catch a taxi to DCC. I get there and climb off the taxi. I walk inside the 2 story building. A security greets me and shows me the way to the receptionist.

Receptionist: “good morning and welcome to Dubandlela Construction Company. My name is Lindani but you can call me Lindsay. You must be Zanele Khalishwayo. You are the last one to arrive.” My eyes pop out.
Me: “am I late?”

Lindsay: “no. it’s just that the other ladies thought they would score point with Miss Cele by arriving late. She doesn’t give shit about that. But she hates people who are not on time. So you’re lucky you are not late.”
Me: “thank God.”

Lindsay: “you can go down that hallway. First door on your right.”
Me: “thank you.”

I walk away. I get to the door Lindsay said I should go to. I open it and get inside. I look around and see 14 beautiful ladies sitting down. All of them are dressed fancy in heels. I greet and go take a seat. Few minutes later Miss Cele enters wearing sweatpants with a long sleeved t-shirt and sneakers. She is carrying a sketches tube on her shoulder. She looks around and her eyes stop on mine. She smirks.

Miss Cele: “all the other ladies, thank you for coming but today wasn’t your lucky day. You with the black pumps, follow me.” My eyes pop out. God she is referring to me. “I don’t have all day Missy.” She turns to head out. I quickly stand up and follow her. She goes to the parking lot and opens one of the cars, a Toyota Fortuner. “Come on now love. Climb inside.” We both climb in. she starts the car and drives off.

Me: “I don’t mean to be forward but where are we going Miss Cele?”
Miss Cele: “Call me Futhy. You are after all my PA.” everything around me moves in a slow motion.
Me: “the job is mine?”
Miss Cele: “yes. Why do you think I chose you to accompany me to where I am headed?”

Me: “I thought maybe…” she chuckles.
Futhy: “so have you worked as a PA before?”
Me: “no but I am an architect.”
Futhy: “so you are hoping to climb the corporate ladder by being my PA first?” that sounds so wrong coming from her mouth.
Me: “not when you put it like that.” She laughs.

Futhy: “I will have to look at your sketches and if I am impressed, you might find yourself earning the architect salary instead of your initial salary.”
Me: “wow.”
Futhy: “what’s your name again?” I laugh.
Me: “Zanele Khalishwayo.”
Futhy: “Zah. Welcome to DCC.”

We get to this building and head inside. It’s a 4 story building which is made of glass. The level of fanciness in here makes you wanna walk in barefoot or even stand outside and not walk in at all. We walk to the receptionist who leads us to the boardroom where Miss Cele is apparently having a meeting with the CEO of the company.

Futhy: “this is a meeting. When we get there, jot down every features they will mention. Don’t say anything. You are still new at this assisting job so just keep your mouth shut. If you see a hot guy in there try not to droll over him.” As I am about to answer, we stop in front of the boardroom door. We enter and find 3 men inside with 2 ladies. “Ladies and Gentlemen.”

Man 1: “Miss Cele. The forever casual but stunning architect.” Futhy laughs.
Futhy: “you don’t deserve my formal clothes.” The man laugh. They exchange hugs and greetings and we sit down. “By the way this is my PA, Miss Khalishwayo. You will be communicating with her from today onwards about everything regarding this project.”

Man 2: “noted.” The meeting commences. I jot down every important information. After an hour or so, it comes to an end. Miss Cele do know how to conduct a fun business meeting. She is humorous and you can’t help but laugh even in serious situations. We head outside and climb into her car.

Me: “May I ask a question Miss Cele? Oww I mean Futhy?”
Futhy: “you wanna ask why you?” I nod. “Well I don’t know. I was drawn to you. I also loved that you wore pumps and a semi-formal outfit. DCC doesn’t have a strict dress code stating that you have to wear heels and dress shoes every day to work. It’s a safe and free spirited company. And I think you will make a great addition in our team.”

Me: “thank you so much for the opportunity. I promise I won’t disappoint you.”
Futhy: “you better not. Now do come to the office tomorrow morning to sign your contract and drop off your sketches. And then you can start work Monday morning.”

Me: “thank you very much Futhy.” She smiles.
Futhy: “that’s what women do. We help each other succeed.”

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