Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 – your pov

I keep my arm raised in front of him. "Won't you pick up the food? You must be hungry. . ."
He did not speak, not a word, nothing. Instead he kept staring at me.

My heartbeat and only rapid breathing could be heard, nothing else.

I quickly lowered the plastic food to the floor and tried to run. I hadn’t even stepped one on the floor to run, two pairs of arms wrapped around my waist violently. He has already started pulling me. "HELP M-ME!" My loudest cry. But I knew no one would hear me.

I struggled in his arms to escape. Useless, he is muscular and super strong! My weak and thin body can't even escape this kind of body. My tears began to flow to the floor. I just felt his chin resting on my shoulder.

"You're not leaving, you're just here with me. . ." He said, he used the young voice he used before.

His breathing is what I feel. My cries and his breathing can be heard. "Let me go! Please! I won't bother you again i'm sorry!" I begged. But he won't stop pulling and stopping me.

It was at this time here that he began to pull me into the kitchen. I'm still struggling. I don't want to be here anymore, let me go as if you feel sorry for me.

He laid me down on the big table. He put my two arms together and pinned them. This sight, I don’t like this.

His grip on my hands hardened. Sweat was dripping down my forehead and neck. "Don't hurt me... I beg you... Please..."

"I won't hurt you. I will be good. Please don't fear me." He said in his child voice.

Brahms' pov

She was crying and begging me. Why is he doing this? Am I really scary?

I heard a knock on the door and a woman shout. And that woman is this woman begging me now. I liked the food she left me. She was at the right timing to leave food with me because I was really hungry.

I liked her. On the second day, I expect her to come here again. And yes she did come back. I left the house key. And there, when she used the key to enter the house with food, I liked her even more.

I don't want to be alone again. I don’t want to be hurt like Greta did to me. Greta ... The person I trust and like, left me. This woman in front of me, this is not Greta. This is not Greta. She will never be LIKE Greta.

She is so beautiful. I watched her enter my house. She was wearing a peach -colored turtle neck, her knee -length black skirt. Her hair is soft, I want to touch her hair. Very beautiful woman. I want to hug her, I want her to stay by my side.

As I prevented her from leaving, she struggled in my arms.


She struggles at the table where I lay her down. "Let me go!" She shouted. Even though she was struggling and scared the voice I heard yesterday was not fading. Her voice is very nice.

I just stared at her, thinking what would happen if she stayed here with me.

My gaze did not last on her. I just felt like she kicked me. At the part where Greta stabbed me with a screwdriver. The wound healed but it hurt even more.

I lay on the floor in pain.

I watched her run to the door. Please stay here with me.

Your pov

I ran to the door, still looking at him. I stopped. Oh fuck he's bleeding! Shit!

I pity him. "G-gosh! Your bleeding!" I didn't hesitate to approach and help him. "Please don't die on me! I-is there any medical kits here?!" I stuttered the question. It nodded slowly because maybe because of the pain of my kick. He had a stab wound there!


"Bathroom..." He shakingly whispered. I don't waste any time to ask him where the bathroom is and hurriedly ran upstair. I opened each door and saw a bathroom door inside. I hurriedly open the bathroom door. Inside I saw a cabinet. I opened it and saw a med-kit.

Succesfully, I ran downstairs where the tall muscular man is laying in pain. Thank god I know how to heal and cure this kind of wound.

"Can you t-take off your clothes?"

He nodded. I helped him take off his Bloody and dirty gray cable long sleeve button sweater and his blood-stained thin tank top, revealing his hairy chest and muscular body. He smells but I don't care, he's dying. I don't want to see anyone dying in front of me.

"This will hurt, hold tight on my sleeves!" I ordered, and he immediately obeyed.

While I was treating his wound, I hear him grunt and hissed in pain. I feel so sorry for what I did to him.

It took me minutes to heal his wounds. And finally his wound is covered with big bandage and a gauze around it. I felt relieve, now i'm seeing him breathing fine.

"Look, i'm really sorry for hurting you." I worriedly breathed.

He stared at me again, I stared at him too. We stare into each other's eyes again. His a silent type. He doesn't talk to much or maybe he's just shy.

"Don't leave me." He begged me again.

"But I have some work to do. My boss only gave me short time to have my break time. I have to go back there again."

He pulled me into a tight hug, "Your not leaving me!" He yelled. His so strong. I can't struggle. I don't want to hit his wound again. "But I--"


"Y-your... I can't... breathe!"

"Then tell me you won't leave!"

"Ok I won't! Just let me go!" I was able to breathe well because he no longer hugged me tightly, but he still hugged me well. "Why are you still hugging?"

No answer. My ear is close to his mouth, I can hear him breathing. I took a deep breath when I heard that his breathing was okay. I don’t want to kill and I don’t want anyone to die.

"Why can't I leave? What do you want, for me to stay here?" I whispered in his ear. He nodded vigorously. "I own nothing here, Not even this mansion. You didn't mean for me to live here, did you? You just want me to stay a while, right?"

He shook his head, "you'll live here now. You're mine now. You stepped into my territory, and now your one of my territory. You'll take care of me, right? You said earlier." He whispered in his child voice. Why is his voice like that? Why are we whispering?

That was the longest sentence I’ve heard from him so far. "I didn’t say that." I whispered back.

Then he spoke with a deep, rough but soft voice, "Those rules shouldn't be done for a lifeless doll, it should be done for me. I felt happy when you said that. Take care of me, please."

His low voice is endearing. And his childish voice was amazing and frightening. It's like you're in a horror movie when you hear that.

Low voice, muscular, hot, sexy, tall, strong ... what else do you have that I haven't discovered yet? Wait what am I saying? This person I'm hugging right now, killed someone. But for somehow I admire his voice.

"Do you got ex-girlfriends?" He just tilted his head again. "You know— your voice is so deep and beautiful. Your muscular, tall, and I know behind that mask is a handsome face that every girls would admire. In this generation, even little girls would admire you." I added.

"That's weird... i'm old and little kids should be studying..." He whispered, sounded confused. It made me laugh so hard. "Why're you laughing?"

"Your so funny!"

— to be continued.

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