Chapter 17

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Sometimes you meet a person and you just click—you’re comfortable with them, like you’ve known them your whole life, and you don’t have to pretend to be anyone or anything. -Unknown


The battle of Goliath and David has begun! The tall man's arms are crossed while the woman (y/n) is positioned as if she were a corpse.

You tried your best not to flinch. He so easily turned on was just watching kiss scenes, mostly make-out scenes. Perhaps it is hard for him when seeing some, trying not to make his member stand out like a tall hard rock.

"Ok, I won." Brahms suddenly moves his fingers across the screen and pauses the film. "What? I didn't even flinch or hug myself!" You protested. "I can't handle your corpse-like expression and position, your scared. You're just holding it. I waited for you to move and watch properly but you stayed like that." He quickly got into the romance section. You didn’t give him any response, you noticed he squinted eyes moving left to right while looking at the covers, descriptions, and age restrictions of the films.

"Brahms you're looking for some films with that scene!"

"Of course I will because it's romance. Romance without seduction is so boring. Just watching two couples saying I love you to each other without making love, it kinda turns me off."

"And that's the good thing about it, you're not turned on."

"Why is that?" He asked and looked at you.

"Well, I'm afraid we might do the same thing at the movie." You heard him smirk and focused on the screen again.

"I can do it by myself. In case you forgot you accepted my challenge." He said, finally done scrolling and tapping on the screen. He finally chose a romance film with damn sex scenes for sure, well said in the description. Here we go again.

"Yep, you're a grown-up man." You said crossing your arms, your look and expression represent defeat. "And it felt so good. I can do what I want. I'm now spending my days here inside at my own home, not inside the walls. I still feel that I'm a prisoner, I can go outside. But now I'm here at my home with someone I treasure." He said resting his body back on the sofa.

You moved your head to look at the man, directly at his eyes. What expression does he show behind that mask? What lies behind that fake mask? It doesn't replace the better him but made it even worse. "I always say, this world is so unfair. I've enough pain, it's time for me to recover."

"You let that pain stay on you."

"I let them. I'm trying to fight it, I tried to stop it, but they kept on coming to me." His eyes look so relaxed and calm.

"I'll be at your side, Brahms. I'll help you fight that pain. I'll be your someone, I can. I won't leave you, If I do I'll always come back for you. Because your existence gave me someone to take care of and love. You’re my everything now. There are so many things I want to see, discover, and feel with you."

He moved his head to look into you, "I'm glad that someone is happy because of my existence. I'm also glad that your existence filled my empty heart with joy and excitement. I don't feel empty anymore, (y/n). Thank you." Those must be the most beautiful and sweetest sentences.

You smiled at the man. Gently, you held into his arms and landed your lips onto his cheeks. "I can only kiss your cheeks, forehead, and lips with the lights off. Someday, if you are ready, I'll kiss you with the lights on. You'll feel me if your ready, Brahms." You modestly said. His eyes shine again, he must be happy, he must be smiling, he must be smirking or giggling. Someday, that must be in every sentence you are saying when identifying his expression will be gone.

You two got interrupted a little by the loud opening sound from the phone.

— to be continued.

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