Chapter 11

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My pov

The moon has taken the sun down, I read Brahms some bedtime story and after that I give him his goodnight kiss. I wonder how does he felt when I'm kissing him through his procelain mask. Does he even felt my kisses?

I got insecurities too, but I know everyone is beautiful. He is, I know. Judging by his body he sure is handsome.


I woke up late this morning. Some overthinking ate me yesterday that made me sleep so late.

My body is so so heavy, I feel like my joints and bones are gonna break if I move.

After some stretching I decided to check out Brahms. He wanted me to wake him up 7 in the morning. Because he said that his mother used to tell every nannies to do that, maybe he got used to it.

"Brahms?" I whispered at the door before going inside. As soon as I opened it Brahms was not in bed. Strange because his bed was not in order. Usually when I don't see him in his bed, they are fine.

"Brahms?" I called out to him. To my surprise, I suddenly heard a glass break. And I feel like it's not in the mansion. On the walls.

I was suddenly worried about him. I don't know how to get inside the walls. I repeatedly called his name, I repeatedly told him to show up to me but nothing, I could not even feel his presence.

He still doesn't show up, I've been screaming his name a few times. It was here that I began to look for possible paths to get to the walls.

"Brahms please come here! Let's talk!" I screamed, unsuccesful on finding paths. The sound of shattering and breaking glasses or woods through the walls keeps on going. Is someone inside the walls exept from Brahms?

"Brahms please let's talk! Stop crashing things there!" I yelled, again. "Brahms!"

The crashing and breaking sounds stops. "Brahms please talk to me! I'll listen!" I said in a convincing tone. Finally, the crashing and breaking stops. I stood there for a moment, searching around my surroundings just in case Brahms appeared in any moment.

I hear soundless footsteps and thuds through the walls. "Brahms please let's talk about this." I pleaded. Out of nowhere, I felt a hand on my back. I turned around and saw Brahms. I gasped in relief, "Brahms are you ok?" I carresed Brahms shoulder to comfort him.

His knuckles is redish, his clothes is dusty and his eyes is wet and swallowen.

"What's wrong? I heard some glass breaking inside the walls." I asked. He just stared at me, "Please tell me what's going on. Why am I hearing braking glass and woods? Are you angry?"

He just tilted his head a little. He always do that. "You're a little dirty. Go take a bath. Wear your other clothes that I bought, it'll look good on you. After that we'll eat some breakfast and talk about what happenes ok? Just stay calm." He nodded and we both continue our promised things to do.

I wonder why. I guess he had a mental breakdown, overhtinking?

— to be continued

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