Chapter 9

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- Brahms' pov

The words is so clear, beautiful, meaningful. She looked into my eyes as she played. Those lines, I imagined myself playing it to Greta. The meaning it's so lovely. She follows the rules back then, she left me. Now i'm with this girl. A homeless girl. Kidnapped. I'm glad this kind of girl is so caring and would rather to stay.

She sang the song, looking into my eyes, flawlessly play the chords. As if the song is played for me. I am shocked, mouth is shaped 'O' as she smiled while playing.

She's a wreck without me, i'm a also a wreck and mess without her. If I stayed alone I would've lose my mind. No one's cooking food for me. No one's talking to me. No one's playing music loud for me. No one's reading me a bed time story. No one's giving me embrace. No one's giving me love that I used to never felt before.

And now I got this lady. I still have no trust in her, but little by little, my trust grows. I love her sometimes, but I also don't trust her sometimes. Mixed thoughts and emotion.

She finished the song completely. It make me wanna sleep.

"I hope you like it." She said to me.

Of course I do! Her voice, the way she played, it's everything!

"I... like it." I shyly said. She beamed a smile to me, she giggled as she stands. "Let's go to bed? I'll read Brahms some bed time stories and a goodnight kiss." She offered me, making me excited. I want this!

- Your pov

I offered him to go to sleep because i'm already sleepy. Nanny mode, huh.

I tucked him to bed, under the covers.

"Good night, Brahms." He stared at me, I approached his cheek, and I applied my lip to his porclain mask. "Sweet well, Brahms." Modestly and softly I told him. I left the room and went to my room.

I changed clothes. I wore my nightgown, and short shorts for comfort. It revealed my thin arms and a little of my chest.

I thought again, the hardship that Brahms went through. His parents hid him in the wall! Almost a few decades! It would be better for me to love him and take care of him. Loving him will also help me, I have a loved one now.

I looked at the ceiling while thinking. It didn't take long for me to fall asleep.


The morning sun peeked out the window. I woke up before 7 in the morning.Right time to wake Brahms up. I went to Brahms' room, I continued walking without making any noise.

I opened the door of Brahms' room, peeked before finally entering. He's sleeping peacefully and soundly.

"Brahms... Time to wake up, Brahmsy." I whispered. I shaked his shoulder a little. His eyes slowly opening. "Good morning Brahms. Time to wake up." I smiled at him, I caressed his shoulder.

"Good morning, (y/n)." He whispered, he made me smile because of his tone of speech. "What do you want for breakfast?"

"Sandwich. With ham, lettuce, and mayonnaise." He said, also caressing my hands. "Ok... let's go. You watch first while i'm making us breakfast, hmm?"

He nodded weakly.

We went to the kitchen. Brahms sat down on the chair. I turned on the wifi and let him choose what he wants to watch. While me, I started making us breakfast.

After making and preparing we started to ate our breakfast. I left my phone with Brahms and I sat on the sofa, located in the main living room.

I could hear what Brahms is watching. I'm really are happy that he got another routine.

I remember that he told me he don't know how to use gadgets and internet, now he knows a little. Maybe try playing online games. A multiplayer game would be a little bad, I guess.

After eating breakfast we started to the same routine just like yesterday. Watching movies, reading books. For the music, Brahms played some classical music loud. It's so good to hear, good combination for this place.

He told me that he wants me to play and sing some modern songs for him. I'm really glad he liked it.

- to be continued

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