Chapter 16

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You pulled yourself aback. He loosened his hands and pulled himself back too. "Let's cook food for dinner."


It's the same way of eating food, Brahms eating at the kitchen and you at the living room.

Inside you

Make-out session last night, that's the fucking thing I can't ignore. His soft yesterday. I thought I'll be afraid if he touches me because of my childhood experience, but he touches me so differently. Only kisses and hugs. Everything about him is just so lovely.

I finished digesting my food. I can still hear Brahms' plate clacking. I put my empty plate down at the small table in front of me.

I ran my hand through my hair as I tried to remember his touch. Trying to figure what's his facial expression last night. Furrowed eyebrows, aggressively moving lips and tongue, hands gripping onto your waist, I'm turned on right now. I should be disgusted since we've been together for almost a month, we still need to build our relationship at this stage but no. It's a make-out. And of course, I'll be turned on.

My heart sprinted, at this state my body stings and shivers, I feel his touch right now. What the fuck is going on?

I can feel my goddamn cheeks, nape, and earshot.

"Oh god seriously..." I sighed deeply as I freely rested my back at the backrest of the sofa.

I heard another clack noise coming from the kitchen, it must be Brahms putting his plate at the sink. I took my dish and went to the kitchen.

I hurriedly walked to the sink, meeting Brahms. I bite my lips to hide my flustered face. It's your fault tall man.

"Movie." He said. I could feel him peeking at me. "Oh sure. I want to watch horror this night." I can't let him choose another romance movie with aggressive kiss scenes because I'm afraid he might get turned on and will do it with me again.

While showing a pretend smile I looked at him, he shook his head. "Romance." He muttered. There's no fucking way we'll watch romance.

"I'm not into romance this night. I want to thrill myself." Please I need more words to beat him at this.


I shrugged, "I don't know. I just want to excite myself."

He smirked, "Afraid? Don't wanna do it?" He said with his normal voice, that damn deep and rough voice.

"What do you mean don't wanna do it? I told you I just wanna thrill myself."

He squinted his eyes a little, "You're a brave girl then."

I shrugged proudly, "Of course." I stroked my muscle. "Ok then," he stepped closer, "Ok, we'll watch horror. If I see you flinch or your eyes closed I'll stop the movie and change it into romance. I'll choose the movie of course." He said.

Don't challenge me, I may be delicate but this is built strongly you know.

I accepted the challenge. Brahms closed all the lights and lightened some candles while I prepare my phone and snacks. We decided to watch a movie at the library.


He nodded energetically. We sat down together on the sofa and choose a movie I want.


I select IT. It got jumpscares and I'll try my best to not tremble, startle or close my eyes.

- to be continued.

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