Chapter 13

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Never leave Brahms alone

The tall man gently laid his body on his bed. A bed for a child, for a boy. He stared into your deep (e/c) eyes. His chest rose up and down as he breathed.

"They kiss so harshly," Brahms said. You laughed a little, "But I think they both feel so good." Brahms added. You stopped laughing, "Gosh." You murmured. "Their lips were wet-"

"Ok, Brahms enough with that kiss scene. It's time to sleep. Good night, Brahms." You leaned over him and quickly kissed his porcelain forehead. "Good night (y/n)." He whispered. You smiled at him weakly before leaving his room. You closed the door of his room and went to your room.


You stepped inside the tub, the warm and comforting water with bubbles touches your skin. You hummed in pleasure.

Kinda craving soda and a bit of beer. Your lips craved for something wet. You licked them off as you remember yourself drinking a soda, pairing it with potato chips. Would you let yourself just imagine those delicious snacks?

You rest your head on the wall and closed your eyes. You feel like the tub wants you to just ride on it and sleep because of the relaxing warm water.


Eventually, your attention is drawn to the shadow below the door. It was like standing in front of the door. "Brahms? Do you need anything?" Your question. He said nothing, he just remained standing. "Brahms please if you need anything say that!"

"Don't annoy me, Brahms!" You yelled.

Still nothing. The shadow was still there. You angrily stood up and rolled the towel around your body. You quickly walked to the door and opened it.

You saw Brahms. Brahms stared at you, standing still, staring deep into your eyes. "Brahms, why are you standing there? Do you need anything? The next time I ask you answer right away." You scratched your head.

"What do you need?" You asked. He remained quiet again. You sighed annoyingly. "Brahms, what's with you?" You angrily said.

"Kiss." He murmured.

"I just kissed you earlier."

"Just like in the movie. Please."

You looked at him in shock, "Brahms that kiss is so messy and violent. And we can't do that. I'm your nanny." You crossed your arms.

He tilted his head slightly. You were surprised when he suddenly moved. He hugged you tightly as if he didn't want to let you go. "Kiss me as we saw in the movie." He whispered using his deep voice. His voice is just so sexy and lovely as if he was seducing you.

"Brahms there are types of kisses." He pulled himself a little, still hugging you. He faced you. "What are those?" He kindly asked.

"A kiss from your relatives or family. There's no something in it, like seducing and romance. Nothing like that. Just showing love and affection as a family. A kiss from your lover. It can be a peck on your lips, or the deep kiss, french kiss, or the messy and deep kiss you watched earlier. They also show love and affection, but that love is different. It can be mixed with seduction. A lover's love. So, you can't just beg me for that messy kiss. I'm your friend."

"I know those. I might be just sitting here inside my home, not seeing the outside world but I know those. I know what sex is. I know the french kiss. I almost know everything."

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