chapter 12

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  It's October 13th. As usual Ad went to his office. He was doing his work when he got a call from hospital saying that his wife admitted in the hospital coz of labor pain. He immediately rushed to the hospital thinking that it's gonna be a boy but little did he know what fate had for him and his family.......!

  He reached the hospital and started waiting outside the O.T. in a happiness that he is going to be a father  again.....

He has a elder daughter her name is rithu Kaur nandra. She is his princess. She is 6 years old now. Ad always want a son who can take care of his business and also his industries and can grow them....  He loves rithu.

  He got a call from his PA saying that they lost the deal at the same time doctor came out of the O.T

Doctor: congratulations Mr. Nandra it's a girl child. Girl and mother both are healthy.

Ad got a shock.

Ad: but doctor I thought it's gonna be a boy.....
Doctor: sorry mr. Nandra we can't do anything it's all decided by god. We can't do anything and also Mrs. Nandra won't be able to conceive again.

The words of doctor added salt to his wounds. Firstly, the irritation that he lost an important deal and secondly, his wife can't conceive again this all because of his just born girl daughter.......

He started hating her but he can't do anything Infront of the doctors and all so he just discharged his wife and daughter and took them to the home.

Am: Aman I am sorry I know u need a boy child but we got a girl but she is also our daughter only na we will try again. Plss atleast look at her for once Aman. U didn't see her till now and also didn't take her in Ur arms also... She is our daughter Aman.
Ad: she isn't my  daughter. I can't love her and I won't take her in my arms. I am may be her father but I won't love her and its final. U better stop talking about her Infront of me Sonia coz of she only I lost the major deal today..... Just stop talking about her Idk about her and idc  or else the consequences will be worse.....

Am knows that ad is stubborn and he won't agree to it soon. So she thought to give him some time. They reached home and am put Avu to sleep and went to fresh up.

Ad came there and saw her. He immediately made a face and called a maid and shifted her to another room. Am came back after fresh up.

Am: Aman where is baby?
Ad: I shifted her to other room. If u want u can go there and meet her. I don't want her Infront of me.
Am: Aman what are u saying she is Ur daughter also Aman.
Ad: I have only one daughter and that is Ritu and that's it. Don't talk to me about her I already informed u. She is staying here only for my reputation and may be coz of u too that's it.....

Am left from there with tears in her eyes and took Avu and started feeding her. She started crying.

Am: I am sorry baby. I thought Ur father will look at u if I will leave u alone but he didn't even take u in his arms. I am so sorry baby..... But I will try to show u all the love and care which Ur father can't show.

  Like this days passed. Am only took care of Avu and provided her all mother and father's love and care.  Seeing her mother giving all love to her sister. Ritu too started disliking her younger sister....

Flashback ends

     Avu stopped saying as her lips and  throat dried. Reem gave her a glass of water to drink. Tears started rolling down her eyes. Everyone had tears in their eyes too.

Vaish: Avu if u don't want to say u can stop here only...
Abhi: yes Avu. We won't force u. U can say again whenever you want.

But Siddharth don't want to stop her. He want to hear everything and to know what happened in her past to her present. He want to know everything about her...... His eyes and face showing that he need to know about her. Unknown to him only he started developing feelings for her. He want to be with her as her strength, support. His heart is stabbing whenever her eyes are shedding tears.

Avu looked at everyone and her gaze stopped at Sid. Both eyes locked at eachother. He can see pain, hurt and loneliness   in her eyes. She can see care, affection and heal in his eyes. She decided no her heart decided to tell them everything especially to him. She felt safe and secure when he is beside her and around her at office and in car and also now here too.....  unknowingly her heart  started trusting him. His eyes conveying that he will be with her as her strength and support so she decided to tell them.

Avu: I want to tell.

She said still staring at him and he smiled at her telling her to continue and I am here.......

Avu: when...-

She started to continue but suddenly she fainted. Everyone became alert and also worried seeing her fainted. Sid immediately rushed towards her.  Vaish started patting her cheeks trying to gain her to conscious. Jai called the doctor. Reem side hugged jai. He too immediately responded knowing that she needs him. Abhi took vaishu. Sid lifted her in to his arms and took her to a room and laid her on the bed.

  After sometime doctor came and started checking her. He checked her pulse rate and heart beat and few other things. He prescribed few medicines.

Doctor: she fainted due to over stressing and lack of sleep. Her look and all says that she is in deep pain. Try to make her overcome her trauma. Give her Maximum rest and care. Make her feel safe and also she doesn't says but I think she wants to cry. Sometimes if the person cries then they will feel somewhat less. Make sure to bring her out of her trauma. I injected her. She will gain her conscious after 2 hours. Give her these medicines.

Everyone listened to him with full concentration and decided to put a comma for this topic for sometime and to show her all love, care and affection.

Vaishu sat beside her caressing her hair. Abhi too sat near her legs and jaireem sat there looking at her face. Sid sat there checking few mails but his full concentration is on Avu. Glancing at her now and then to check her.

Vaish: no one can say that this girl is suffering from all this from the day she born.
Re: haa di. She too didn't say to me that her own father is not loving her and all. Even it's a shock for me too....
Abhi: that means she didn't tell u everything.
Re: no Bhai she just told me about that man Rahul but now I think even she too didn't tell me anything clearly......
Jai: that means there is more terrible to reveal....

👉🏻  There is more terrible to reveal............

👉🏻Filmy much?! 🤔

👉🏻To be continued.....

👉🏻Stay tuned 😉

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