chapter 18

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Avu's pov

  Want to know what is happiness...? Then ask me coz right now I am flying with happiness. My life nothing but a pure bliss from last 3 months. Home, office, meetings, chit-chat, pulling each other legs. That's what we are doing from the past 3 months.

I can't thank god enough for giving me this happiness. I know once I will go back their again I have to suffer but this time my pain will not be much as I have the people who cares for me the most are here with me. So that's why before going away with them I am making as many memories as possible with everyone. Especially with siddu. My feelings are growing for him day by day.

Dada is always being there for me whenever I need. He is showing so much of love that sometimes I want be a little selfish and my brain wants me stay here itself but my heart isn't ready for that. Didu became my mom again.... After meeting her I didn't miss mom at all. She is there to full fill everything which a mom does to her child. Noone need anything other than that.

Reem and jai are getting engaged. Yes! They thought to do engagement and later when they are fully settled then they can marry eachother. They are so in love to eachother sometimes I feel so jealous of Reem as I don't have a man who loves me like that but at the same time I feel so happy for her for getting her the man she dreamt. Jai became my other bro here. We team up against Reem to pull her leg and performed many pranks on her and siddu. Siddu face was worth watching whenever we pranked him.

And coming to siddu.....

He is something noone can say. He had his flaws but will never show it on his face. He covered up his pain in the form heartless and ruthless business man apperance. After seeing this new side of him. I am happy and as well as in love with him as much as I want to share my feelings to him. I am afraid that may be after proposing I will loose his friendship and also this family. I don't want that so I am not proposing him.....

Not now not ever......

I was so engrossed in my thinking that I forgot someone was calling me.....

Sid: avneet!!!!

I jerked up and saw siddu.

Avu: hmm... What?
Sid: what are you thinking avi?
Avu: nothing. Just zoned out. Tell me why are u here?
Sid: we are going out. Come
Avu: now?

He nodded.

Avu: where?
Sid: I will show you. Come!!!

We sat in the car and he drove off I asked him where but he just driving the car with that emotion less face of his. I know he is just pretending to be like that as if he will be that sweet and cute siddu then he will tell me where we are going. So I just sat there pouting....

After around half-an-hour. He stopped at one storeyed building.

Avu: where are we siddu?
Sid: I will tell u come.

We went inside and it's full of pics of lady with siddu and dada. She is siddu's mom. Once I saw her pic on dada's room.

Sid: this is where I and dada spent time with mom. This is our home. My home.

He said looking at the pictures. I didn't say anything as I want him to continue. He went and sat on a couch. I sat beside him.

Sid: uk avi. Mom and me are best friend, partner in crime everything. We both used to pull dada's leg alot. Dada used to be in his world. He cared and spent time with us. I called him dada after dad passed away... In that age he took my responsibility. He never once said that he miss dad but he used to cry alone at night but he never let me feel like that. That's why I started calling him dada. At first he told me not call him like that but I loved calling him so he then didn't say anything.

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