Chapter 2

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      Lyla had read about the Reeds family the minute the lawyer left. Unlike some people would think, she wasn't happy or excited seeing the fact that the Ryerson Reeds she had to marry was a billionaire. The only thing she was truly happy about was the fact that he was only two years older than her, she shuddered at the thought of marrying someone double her age. Not to mention he was also illegally handsome. Every photo she saw of him he looked impossibly like a Greek god. And then there was this Greek god married off to the simple girl with the name of Lyla Vell. She, a girl who appreciated the smaller things. The girl whose looks were as boring as ever.

      Lyla was no goddess, or so she felt, she was a girl with black hair that was always in a ponytail due to poofness, a girl with boring ebony colored eyes, a girl with a light olive complexion that was nothing compared to those other models' flawless, porcelain skin (but Lyla didn't have any pimples or blemishes which was the only thing she liked about herself) a girl with no noticeable body, she was a complete average. A girl that went against all those cliched stories where the CEO billionaire would marry a breathtaking beauty who would blush and shy away from the slightest touch. Lyla Vell was not like that, and she was proud of that, she ain't changing herself for nobody and nothing. She finished that last sentence with a force and stubbornness in her words to stop herself from looking at the CEO billionaire, who was now her husband, right next to her.

    Yes, the wedding ceremony had taken place only less than an hour ago and not they were heading to god knows where. The wedding, the 'big day', well, it would be something she remember, that's for sure, but something she remembered with fondness? Probably not. 

     Ryerson Reeds was even more handsome in person. The photos gave no credit to his true beauty. His entire stature and appearance screamed 'I'm rich and successful and a living greekgod and everyone else is a disappointment.' His dark brown-black hair looked softer in person and the photos gave injustice to the blue-green eyes Lyla had caught sight of at the altar. His skin was a creamy colored fair, contrasting to her light olive, and he had prominent cheekbones that were sculpted in just the right way. His slight stubble only added to his good looks, giving him a sense of age but not one that was exaggerated. Lyla had found that he was only two years older than her after all. And his face itself, the arrogant excuse of a handsome smile, and that pathetic excuse of perfect lips. 

     She knew it was cliche, the way the girl in the story would always get tongue-tied at the sight of a handsome specimen called their husband or boss or whatever but that's the thing. Lyla wasn't feeling anything. She wasn't those types of girls. She wasn't the type who would get butterflies in her stomach at eye contact, or the type who would gain a blush at a touch, she was a self-controlled, stubborn, independent girl. She didn't need no man.

     The man in the car, which might she add, was an impossibly expensive car, was angry. Seriously, she knew the dude was a billionaire but did he have to flaunt his money this way? Lyla couldn't help herself, she was the kind of girl that didn't like attention, she wasn't shy, she just didn't like showing off. She didn't like things fancy, she felt that made her act like she was above people, she hated to show off.

     "Can someone tell me where we're going?" she asked, the question was technically directed to Ryerson since he was the only one in the car, apart from the driver who was on the other side of the private window. Ryerson looked at her and she stared right back, not backing down. He studied her, up and down, Lyla always felt insecure so this didn't affect her too much and she bravely sat, not squirming or getting flustered, finally he met her eyes again, but without answering he just turned away.

     Honestly if this man was going to be her husband he needed to work on communication. She had already changed out of her wedding dress and was now wearing complementing black skinny jeans and a simple hoodie with the University of Michigan logo. She distinctly remembered the scrunch of Ryerson's nose when he saw her outfit. But then again, if she were to compare her outfit to the expensive suit he was wearing, she did look pretty unprofessional. It didn't help that her hair was in a simple ponytail, one that didn't flatter in any considerable way. Ryerson was so out of the mood that he didn't bother asking his newlywed wife to change into something more appropriate. 

     As of now, they were only going to a guest house hotel most board members of Reeds Co. stayed in during important conference meetings. Reeds Co. a software company that was worth a number with so many zeroes that one could barely count them. Maybe that was a hyperbole, but truly this company was highly successful which Ryerson Reeds was the CEO of. 

The Reeds family also had started a exponentially succeeding hotel business, one that Ryerson had started himself along with his other responsibilities, it was a wonder the man was efficient with his work. Their chain and their software company were all successful though, therefore their family was very rich along with the people who worked for them. 

    "We are here, sir," the driver said, knocking on the private door. Ryerson opened the door and got out of the car as the driver rolled down the private window. Lyla watched after her new husband (the term made her cringe) with a frown, she turned to the driver who was expectantly watching her, waiting for her to leave as well and she gave him a charming smile.

     "Thank you," she said. His eyebrows raised up in surprise but the kind man nodded his acknowledgment. She had been frowning at the fact that Ryerson had not thanked the kind man.

     "You will be a nice change in young Mr. Reeds' life," the man said. Her smile dropped slightly but she forced it back.

     "Have a nice day," she said, the nice man nodded once more, shooting her a last smile. Without any difficulty she got out of the car, her little smile falling permanently at the sight of the far to fancy hotel. There goes her simple life. It basically screamed how behemoth it was.

     "What took you so long?" Ryerson asked irritably. He didn't even bother for an answer before he walked into the hotel shaking his head. Lyla bit the inside of her cheek to stop her lip from curling unpleasantly. To be polite, as she walked through the lobby of the hotel she gave a small smile to everyone who acknowledged her. She thought she saw someone -a rather handsome someone who was not Ryerson - give her a flirty smile back-Lyla decided to ignore that, as flattered as she was. Okay so maybe the makeup didn't completely wash off, she thought. There wasn't a way a guy would flirt with her usually, besides, she was married now, she looked down at the ring on her left hand, though this was a marriage she didn't like, she would remain loyal. But she doubted the reciprocation of the same from her now husband, he even had the receptionist flirting with him. Lyla's eyes involuntarily went to the man who had smiled at her, he was still looking at her and his grin widened a bit seeing her look back at him. Someone cleared their throat. Lyla, unaffected, looked at Ryerson Reeds who was looking at her with a raised eyebrow. His jaw was clenched and he was silently demanding her to explain herself. Why should she? They were just married and he himself gave that flirtatious smile at the receptionist who was leaning in for a kiss.

    "REEDS," came a booming voice. A man in his fifties walked to them, he was wearing a well tailored suit and judging by the way he acknowledged Ryerson, he must have been someone important, probably from the board.

     "Mr. Trebell," Ryerson greeted politely.

      "How are you, my boy?" Mr. Trebell asked, in his booming voice, "I feel like I haven't seen you in decades! And who might this pretty young lady be?" he was definitely saying pretty out of force.

    "I'm Lyla Vell," Lyla introduced herself, shaking the man's hand. Ryerson didn't know why but suddenly he couldn't stop himself from correcting her.

    "She hasn't gotten a hold of this yet. She meant that her name is Lyla Reeds," Mr. Trebell's face comically shifted to surprise.

     "You got married? To this beautiful young lady! How come I wasn't invited to the wedding?" He said it good naturedly. Here the thing, the fact that they were forcefully married was under wraps. It could ruin the Reeds family's reputation so nobody knew about their true reason for marriage, "how could you get married, my boy? You didn't even tell me you were seeing someone! But I must say, this charming lady looks like an infinitely better choice than those models throwing themselves at you." Mr. Trebell gave Lyla a kind smile, "I hope that now you're married you can stop his workaholic ways." with a few last words and some playful scolding at Ryerson he was on his way. 


Well, that's that. 

Don't worry, it's going to get interesting real soon. 

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