Chapter 18

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        The next morning Lyla woke up extremely comfortable. She became acutely aware of the weight she felt near her. A comforting warmth near her. There was an arm wrapped around her waist, her back to someone who was holding her close. Her legs were tangled with someone else's, and she could feel someone buried in the dip of her neck. She blinked hazily, turning her head slightly. 


     Ryerson was spooning her. On the bed. She had her back against his chest. Ryerson was who she was in close proximity with. Him who had his legs tangled with hers, him who had his face buried in her neck, his arm around her waist which she was holding hands with. But even though she knew all this, she smiled, not moving. She gripped his hand just a bit tighter, liking the feeling of it in her own palm.

     It took her a few minutes to realize that she actually had to get up to start the day, but in her defense, Ryerson's embrace was more than convincing enough to want to stay on the bed forever. She let herself enjoy the moment for another ten minutes before she tried to move away.

     Ryerson's grip only tightened.

     Lyla tried again only for her to be pulled directly back against her husband's chest, "Mine," he mumbled, still half-asleep as he pulled her close again. Lyla laughed lightly, leaning up to place the smallest of kisses on his neck and jaw, it was the most she could reach with him keeping her so close to his chest. And he wouldn't remember it anyway.

     Ryerson stirred slightly, Lyla looked at him, he blinked, his gaze blurry but then he focused on the face staring back at him. He jerked a little, he wasn't used to seeing someone just after he woke up but he relaxed seeing Lyla. He liked the way she looked in the morning, she looked less perfect and for some reason he liked that. She smiled at him, he relaxed back on the bed, only to stiffen slightly realizing the position they were in. Her body pressed against his, the scent of her hair filling his nostrils, her smooth legs rubbing against his skin.

     "Good morning," she greeted with a small smirk, rolling on the bed, now tumbling out of his arms. Ryerson felt his ears go red as he realized that she had stayed on one side but it was he who moved completely to her side, just to cuddle with her.

      Though they had to admit it was annoying when Elsie and Richard kept popping next to them, their visit was helping their relationship a lot. Not that what Lyla and Ryerson had was a relationship-

      Well, it was since they were a married couple, but what they had was an unnamed thing that Lyla now decided to dub as sexual tension. They were able to have more than just conversations now, they would go as far as calling themselves friends. But they both knew that they wanted to be more.


      Lyla parked the car, walking into the Headquarters of Reeds Co. with a little nervousness. This was the first time she was visiting Ryerson at his office, and it sent a wave of excitement and nervousness in her. She didn't know what his reaction was going to be or even if it was going to be a good one. It was about five in the evening, rather early but Lyla hadn't been able to fight off the urge to see Ryerson, no matter how hard she tried. Not to mention, with Elsie at home the entire time, it left Lyla at no mercy from the questions about grandkids.

        As Lyla stepped into the busy office she had been given a few odd looks before she spotted Mr.Welsh. Walking steadily towards him, she gave the older man an easy grin.

       "Mrs.Reeds, what a surprise," Mr. Welsh greeted, "may I help you with something?"

       "Could I see Ryerson please? I don't know the way around the office," Lyla said, fidgeting slightly with her fingers. The old man's eyes twinkled with the slightest bit of mischief, no doubt assuming things, before he answered.

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